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Sex, Breakups and Childlessness: Normalising Challenging Topics

Sex, Breakups and Childlessness: Normalising Challenging Topics
When it comes to talking about sex, breakups and childlessness, awkwardness or pain often reign. Here’s a look at how we can normalise these. I’ve always liked “going there” with people. Talking about, reading about or opening up in-person or online conversation or thought about challenging topics is one of my calling cards. Even when people ...

If You Died Early, What Would Your Kids Remember?

If You Died Early, What Would Your Kids Remember?
A Sydney tragedy and a family movie this year put forward a huge question to every parent – if you died early, what would your kids remember? Photo by Pixabay There was an absolutely horrible tragedy that occurred in Sydney’s Carlton a few months ago (at the time of writing) that I find myself thinking of regularly. ...

Fathers Need To Have Role Models, Not Just Be One

Fathers Need To Have Role Models, Not Just Be One
More important than a father being a role model is the reality that fathers need to have role models. Let me explain what I mean. Source: New Line Cinema Fathers Day is coming up at the time of writing this one and there are so many things that could, should, and need to be said. Most things ...

The Importance of Reciprocity: Men Need To Feel Pursued Too

The Importance of Reciprocity: Men Need To Feel Pursued Too
Boys are allowed to cry, we know teens need connection, but what happens regarding men as they get older? Here’s why men need to feel pursued too. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio I’ve had this particular post sitting on the backburner for the last month or so and have revisited it several times but only now finally getting ...

The Best Thing You Can Give Your Wife And Kids

The Best Thing You Can Give Your Wife And Kids
Ready to invest in your wife’s joy and your family’s happiness? Here is the best thing you can give your wife and kids. Photo by Gustavo Fring They say happy wife, happy life. Unfortunately for many, wives and husbands and their kids aren’t actually happy. At all. And that can be a true nightmare. After all, most ...

You Missed The Main Point Of The Five Love Languages

You Missed The Main Point Of The Five Love Languages
Gary Chapman’s written phenomenon is criticised today by people who have missed the main point of the Five Love Langauges – overdrawn relationships die. I remember when the Five Love Languages came out and then a number of years later when it experienced a season of full resurgence and explosive popularity. Doctor Gary Chapman was a ...

6 Shallow Dating Dealbreakers to Ditch for Deeper Love

6 Shallow Dating Dealbreakers to Ditch for Deeper Love
“I’m not shallow, but…” – well, maybe you are. Here are 6 shallow dating dealbreakers that might be stopping something great. Photo by Jep Gambardella “Come on Rachel, you’re 30, you can’t afford to be picky”. Kate Hudson’s Darcy to Ginnifer Goodwin’s Rachel kicks off the driving thought of the movie Something Borrowed (which I love), ...

It’s Crazy That Trump Is Running Again… Right?

It's Crazy That Trump Is Running Again... Right?
I very rarely have posted anything publicly regarding politics, but I absolutely need to say… it’s crazy that Trump is running again, right? Source: CNN I’m writing this following the events of Super Tuesday 2024. For those who don’t know, Super Tuesday is when a majority of the states in the United States choose their primary candidate ...

Delving into the Surprising Depth of Modern Disney Films

Delving into the Surprising Depth of Modern Disney Films
We’re finally beyond kissing sleeping people, unrealistic expectations, and Stockholm Syndrome – here’s the surprising depth of modern Disney films. Source: Disney I think it’s pretty well documented how questionable many of the earlier lessons in fairytale type DIsney classics have been. In fact one of the earliest posts on this site was about 6 Mixed Messages ...

Off The Beaten Path: 14 Recent Hidden Gems for your Watchlist

Off The Beaten Path: 14 Recent Hidden Gems for your Watchlist
It’s sometimes hard to find a new show that’s enjoyable, but last year I did just that. Here are 14 recent hidden gems for your watchlist. Source: Paramount, and Ethan Peck is the best version of Spock ever As I talked about in more detail in Crossing The Threshold Into Middle Age – 2023 In Review, we ...

Crossing The Threshold Into Middle Age – 2023 In Review

Crossing The Threshold Into Middle Age - 2023 In Review
There’s no denying the numbers anymore, but life’s prime comes with a whole lot of reality checks – this is my 2023 in review across the threshold into middle age. Congratulations friends, we made it through another year. So much has happened globally, communally and personally that it’s sort of hard to even work out where ...

Silent Night to Joyful Heart: Reclaiming Christmas Joy

Silent Night to Joyful Heart: Reclaiming Christmas Joy
Isn’t it time to unwrap hope from under the shadows? Here’s how to reclaim Christmas joy this year. Photo by Enrico Perini It’s Christmas again. It feels like this time of year always lives in the extremes – of great and sweeping Christmas joy, or of yet another year of holiday time where things are still very ...

6 Shows and Movies about Staying Together

6 Shows and Movies about Staying Together
Are the shows we watch really conditioning us to hook up and break up? Here are 6 shows and movies about staying together. Source: Netflix I had a Facebook reel pop up the other day talking about Star Wars. I had really enjoyed the new Ahsoka series (cause I love a lot of Star Wars) and naturally ...

Oppenheimer’s Most Poignant Scene Isn’t About Science

Oppenheimer's Most Poignant Scene Isn't About Science
Trigger warning for mental health/suicide, and moderate spoilers. Nolan is one of my favourite directors and he didn’t pull any punches on a complex issue. Here’s why Oppenheimer’s most poignant scene has nothing to do with science. Source: Universal Pictures I recently wrote in my big “Oh Hai Everyone I Back From Paternity Leave And New Youngun Crazy ...

4 Things I’m Still Working on as a Dad

4 Things I'm Still Working on as a Dad
No parent is perfect, but I’d like to give it my best shot. Here are 4 things I’m still working on as a dad. Well folks, it has been a hot minute since I last posted to Walking The Shoreline. What’s been going on with Matt Clark? Where did he go? Why don’t I have any ...

Marriage and Servant Hearted Sexuality

Marriage and Servant Hearted Sexuality
It’s not always what we do that matters the most, but how and why. Here’s why servant hearted sexuality matters. Photo by Katie Salerno I’m very passionate about relationships. I think relationships and in particular the marriage relationship addresses so many of the needs and issues in the human heart. Conversely, when we don’t do it well, ...

My Attempt At Ranking The Star Wars Movies and Series

My Attempt At Ranking The Star Wars Movies and Series
I have a bad feeling about this, but you underestimate my power. Here’s my attempt at ranking the Star Wars movies and series. One of my favourite franchises is no doubt the world of Star Wars. I absolutely love it. Recently my wife and I finished playing through Jedi: Survivor and not quite 100%-ing the game ...

6 Reasons Atheism Still Makes No Sense To Me

6 Reasons Atheism Still Makes No Sense To Me
Even after all these years of listening to the ever increasing arguments in its favour, atheism still makes no sense to me. A number of years ago I wrote a post on 7 Reasons Why Atheism Makes No Sense To Me. It’s actually even today one of the most popular posts on the site, and for ...

7 Reasons You Should Consider Dating A Friend

7 Reasons You Should Consider Dating A Friend
Bishop Jeremy Taylor beautifully said, “Love is friendship set on fire”. Here are 7 reasons I think you should consider dating a friend. Photo by Kindel Media I love that quote, you know. We had it read out on our wedding day and I use it to describe our marriage and the marriages of others all the ...

If Your Wife Isn’t Your Standard Of Beauty, Who Is?

If Your Wife Isn't Your Standard Of Beauty, Who Is?
Wandering eyes, difficulty sustaining longterm relationships, and double standards – if your wife isn’t your standard of beauty, who is? Photo by Gary Barnes via Pexels It’s amazing how many beautiful women don’t think they’re attractive. I enjoy watching a lot of talk show clips on YouTube and social media and finding out how famous people experience ...

Let Christmas Challenge You

Let Christmas Challenge You
This festive time is one of the most confronting times of the year, but instead of running from it, I would encourage you to let Christmas challenge you. Photo by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto Christmas is here again. This year our kiddo is old enough to really start enjoying things so everything for us has had a little ...

Shifting Priorities Without Losing Them – 2022 In Review

Shifting Priorities Without Losing Them - 2022 In Review
This year’s main challenge for me has been trying to carry shifting priorities… without losing any of them. Please join me for my 2022 in review. Well, here we are. Another year is about to roll on through. This has been a truly tumultuous year for the whole world with a lot of great and terrible ...

7 Of My Most Notoriously Unpopular Gaming Opinions

7 Of My Most Notoriously Unpopular Gaming Opinions
Everyone’s got them, and here are some of mine. These are 7 unpopular gaming opinions about great and not so great parts of gaming. The accents don’t lie I write about many aspects of my life and interests here on Walking The Shoreline. I’m fascinated by relationships, love seeing people find their purpose, want to be a ...

6 Meaningful Ways To Appreciate Your Spouse

6 Meaningful Ways To Appreciate Your Spouse
A culture of appreciation is the strongest culture for a healthy marriage. Here are 6 ways to appreciate your spouse. Photo by Orione Conceição via Pexels I like to stay across what a lot of leading voices on the fields of faith and relationships have to say. I follow a lot of people on social media and ...

5 Observations About The Man Who Won’t Commit

5 Observations About The Man Who Won't Commit
Is it Peter Pan Syndrome, fear of commitment, or something more? Here are 5 observations about the man who won’t commit. Source: Paramount (and I admit I love this movie) It seems like for quite a while there was a spat of movies about men who wouldn’t commit. Whether it was a movie about a long engagement ...

How The Fear Of Rejection Leads To More Rejection

How The Fear Of Rejection Leads To More Rejection
Are you saying no before someone else has the chance to? Here’s how the fear of rejection leads to more rejection. Source: Universal Well, it’s official. Reels are here to stay. You thought you were safe by not having TikTok? No such luck for you my friend. YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, heck, even LinkedIn is in on it ...

5 Attitudes That Keep People Single And Relationships Short

5 Attitudes That Keep People Single And Relationships Short
It’s hard to find or keep someone when you have reasons why you wouldn’t. Here are 5 attitudes that keep people single and relationships short. Photo by Alena Darmel via Pexels I was out with a few different groups of mainly men and then mainly women over the last month or so. It’s always interesting to hear ...

You Can’t Be A Man Who Avoids Women Or A Woman Who Avoids Men

You Can't Be A Man Who Avoids Women Or A Woman Who Avoids Men
Some days I feel like I’m still in primary school, when I see the boys and girls are still so separate. But you can’t be a man who avoids women or a woman who avoids men and expect to have a whole and healthy life. Photo by Ivan Samkov via Pexels I gotta say, I find myself ...

You and I Know A Lot Of Great People

You and I Know A Lot Of Great People
You and I know a lot of great people. And we can help empower them to become who they were born to be. Source: Paramount (and an inspiration for this post) The other night we were out at a social event at one of Brisbane’s big evening markets with a bunch of people from our church. We ...

Most People Stop Making Friends As They Get Older

Most People Stop Making Friends As They Get Older
It ruins dating prospects, it kills marriages and families, and destroys mental health – most people stop making friends as they get older. Photo by Helena Lopes via Pexels But they really shouldn’t. Defining the problem I have been in a lot of conversations with people who are trying to find their life partner, expressing their desire to marry ...

7 Great Shows For Toddlers That I’m Grateful For As A Parent

7 Great Shows For Toddlers That I'm Grateful For As A Parent
It’s an amazing time to be a parent, but with so much content it can be hard to find the good ones. Here are 7 great shows for toddlers that I’m grateful for. Source: Nickelodeon It’s a whole new age of entertainment. Where once research groups, school bodies and concerned parents could definitely have been seen to ...

Is It Harder To Date As A Christian?

Is It Harder To Date As A Christian?
Is the faith factor playing against your love life? Let’s have a look at whether or not it is harder to date as a Christian. Photo by Jep Gambardella via PEXELS Dating can be really, really easy for some people. They meet someone, a week later they are already in the “hanging out” phase, and then six ...

What The War In Ukraine Teaches Me About Humanity

What The War In Ukraine Teaches Me About Humanity
War is terrible, and unfortunately a great revealer. Here are 5 things the war in Ukraine teaches me about humanity. Source: WIRED Like most of us, February 24 2022 rolled around and I found myself checking my phone every few minutes of every day to see what on earth was happening in my lifetime. It marked the ...

Elden Ring is Brilliantly Awful (Or Is It Awfully Brilliant?)

Elden Ring is Brilliantly Awful (Or Is It Awfully Brilliant?)
Elden Ring is brilliantly awful. It’s the best worst game, and the worst best game, I’ve ever played. Here’s my spoiler free review of the biggest game of the year. My super awesome Confessor and that giant tree Like many people, I saw all the ads for Elden Ring. Every game and technology store had a huge ...

To The Man Who Wants To Be The Head of the House

To The Man Who Wants To Be The Head of the House
Are your words demanding something that your life isn’t? To the man who wants to be the head of the house… Photo by Kindel Media from Pexels I’m always fascinated by common patterns and trends in human relationships. Maybe underneath my IT, technology focused veneer and career is an anthropologist lying in wait. But I find myself so interested in ...

The Stupidest Thing I Did During the Pandemic (Reading Too Much Media)

The Stupidest Thing I Did During the Pandemic (Reading Too Much Media)
I’ve done some stupid things, but this is one of the stupidest. Like many people, I found myself consuming and reading too much media. Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels The COVID pandemic has been one of the generation defining events of our time (although the Russia-Ukranian invasion is definitely up there). Millions of people died, international travel stopped, domestic ...

Who Are We Letting Teach Us About Sex?

Who Are We Letting Teach Us About Sex?
It could be porn, movies, ancient books, activists or specific people – who are we letting teach us about sex? Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels Mature written content warning. I’ve been on a real 90s NBC sitcom kick recently. More specifically, I was on a kick of the original run of Saved by The Bell, into the more adult ...

You Can’t Refuse To Change And Stay Happily Married

You Can't Refuse To Change And Stay Happily Married
I’ve learned that you can’t refuse to change and stay happily married. But change is much more easily said than done. Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels “You’re not coming into the bed like that, are you?”, she asked. Oh boy. This was the start of our new life together. On our honeymoon no less. “Um, I was planning on it… how ...

It’s Easy To Be An Absentee Father, Be A Dad Who Stays

It's Easy To Be An Absentee Father, Be A Dad Who Stays
I’ve learned it’s really easy to become an absentee father, but if you can be a dad who stays, you can make a profound difference. Photo by Josh Willink from Pexels (and #DadGoals) I recently went back through time and revisited my My Top 10 Favourite Movies Ever. Even decades after watching it, one of my favourites is the hit ...

My Top 10 Favourite Movies Ever (Revisited)

My Top 10 Favourite Movies Ever (Revisited)
Everyone has their favourite movies, here are most of mine – these are my top 10 favourite movies ever. Source: New Line Cinema Now here’s a topic I haven’t revisited in over 5 years. On Sunday night, a bunch of friends and I were running through a lot of our favourite movies. Some people cited the ...

7 Ways The Current Generation Isn’t Worse Than Previous Generations

7 Ways The Current Generation Isn't Worse Than Previous Generations
Do young people today get a bad wrap over an idealisation of the past? Here are 7 ways the younger people today aren’t worse than previous generations. Photo by Alena Darmel from Pexels If you know me, you know my wife and I absolutely love Gong Cha. Not the milk teas or the tapioca pearls, but the green and alisan ...

Christmas Reminds You What You Wish Life Was Like

Christmas Reminds You What You Wish Life Was Like
It’s the best and the worst part of the festive season – Christmas reminds you what you wish life was like. Photo by Alex Urezkov from Pexels Well, here we are again. It’s Christmas season, the shops have been craaaaaaaaaazy this year, the Carols are blaring, and all those December movies are in full swing. And amidst all the idealism and ...

A Harvest of Great Joy – 2021 In Review

A Harvest of Great Joy - 2021 In Review
If 2020 was sowing in famine, 2021 was reaping a harvest of great joy. But joy isn’t always what it seems. Here’s my 2021 in Review. Me, my dog, and my beautiful daughter from earlier in the year Can you believe another year has already come and gone? So many things have happened this year that it ...

Recommending Dragon Ball GT: The Adventure Too Many Fans Missed

Recommending Dragon Ball GT: The Adventure Too Many Fans Missed
Bit by bit you’ll be falling under its spell – my attempt at recommending Dragon Ball GT to the fans who may have missed one of the best parts of the series. Source: Toei Animation In a bit of a break from the serious topics such as handling marriage challenges, vaccines, great baby products as a new-ish ...

8 Things That Kill Your Marriage (If Left Unaddressed)

8 Things That Kill Your Marriage (If Left Unaddressed)
Could you be directly (or indirectly) ruining what could be great? Here are 8 things that kill your marriage… if left unaddressed. Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels John and Helen Burns rightly observed that a good marriage is the closest to heaven on earth you can experience. Conversely, a bad or troubled marriage they say can be the closest ...

For The Ones Who Scroll Facebook But Never Post Anything

For The Ones Who Scroll Facebook But Never Post Anything
I see you there. You know who you are. The ones who scroll Facebook but never post anything themselves. When my wife and I announced we were dating on social media, I think the Internet broke. It’s very encouraging to have the support and love of your friends and family. I think the posts clocked up ...

Why I Got Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Why I Got Vaccinated Against COVID-19
It seems even sex, politics, and religion have not inspired as much contention or division as this issue recently. Here’s why I got vaccinated against COVID-19. Photo credit Kenneth Yam Photography NB. These views are my own. It seems like just a short time ago when the anti-vax movement was the butt of every joke and meme for ...

6 Things That Can Distract You From Your Purpose

6 Things That Can Distract You From Your Purpose
There is no greater exhaustion than living dissatisfied. Here are 6 things that can distract you from your purpose. Source: Disney Pixar I think it’s quite well chronicled that burnout is a devastating state to live in. When you’ve overexerted yourself physically, emotionally or spiritually, it can take quite a while to recover from it. In fact ...

6 Ways to Be More Outgoing (From A Legit Introvert)

6 Ways to Be More Outgoing (From A Legit Introvert)
Whether trying to build friendships, find a date, or make a difference, we all need to put ourselves out there. Here are 6 ways to be more outgoing, written by an introvert. Source: Universal Well it’s been a hot minute since my last post indeed. In that time the world has more steadily begun to move towards ...

10 Realistic Movies About Love (Well, Realistic-Ish)

10 Realistic Movies About Love (Well, Realistic-Ish)
Hollywood romances are super popular, but not always truthful depictions of what really happens in love. Here are 10 realistic movies about love… well, as realistic as Hollywood can be anyway. Source: Warner Bros Love can be such a complicated and layered topic at times. Even moreso when it’s your own love life you’re looking at. It ...

Do You Really Want To Marry Your Best Friend?

Do You Really Want To Marry Your Best Friend?
Words can say one thing, but dating habits can say another – are you sure you really want to marry your best friend? Source: Lionsgate, and easily one of my favourite movies on this topic Mature written content warning. Everyone says being able to marry your best friend is the absolute goal when it comes to dating and ...

The Lonely Christian & 5 Ways to Make Meaningful Connections

The Lonely Christian & 5 Ways to Make Meaningful Connections
Can’t find a date, a place to belong, or even a friend in and around church life. Here are 5 ways to make meaningful connections and avoid becoming a lonely Christian. Photo by Ric Rodrigues from Pexels Many Christians live their lives guided by a series of views on what they’re “supposed to” be or not “supposed to” be. In ...

How a Warped View of Forgiveness Enables Abuse and Destroys Lives

How a Warped View of Forgiveness Enables Abuse and Destroys Lives
Christian teaching is big on forgiving, but have we missed something important? Here’s how a warped view of forgiveness enables abuse and destroys lives. Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels I’m a big believer in forgiveness. Healing is often impossible without first forgiving. It’s something I’ve written a lot about and a quality I’ve endeavored to exemplify in my life. ...

10 Of My Favourite Baby Products As A New-ish Dad (So Far)

10 Of My Favourite Baby Products As A New-ish Dad (So Far)
As a dad I’ve learned there is a psychotically staggering number of things you can buy for infants. Here are 10 of my favourite baby products… so far. Source: Our baby shower! Credit my wife’s amazing creativity and photo from the super talented Kenneth Yam Photography I’ve really enjoyed being a dad. I was going to title ...

Why You Can’t Keep Saying No To Everyone

Why You Can't Keep Saying No To Everyone
I continually see one word destroying people’s love lives and opportunities. Here’s a few reasons why you can’t keep saying no to everyone. Photo by burak kostak from Pexels We were recently at a baby’s birthday party and it’s so great watching my friends and their kids as they continue to grow up. However, for a number of my friends, ...

5 Reasons You Keep Losing Friends and Close Relationships

5 Reasons You Keep Losing Friends and Close Relationships
Have you ever wondered, “Maybe it’s something I’m doing?”. Well, maybe it is. Here are 5 reasons you keep losing friends and close relationships… and how to fix that. Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels “You say you want it, but then you complain when you get it!”. I stared her straight in the eyes as this frustrating conversation was ...

Why Are Men So Immature? (Revisited)

Why Are Men So Immature? (Revisited)
You want him to be a man but he’s content to stay a child, or perhaps you feel like all you know are little boys. Why are men so immature? Source: Paramount – the immature manchild is a common trope of cinema indeed Did ya miss me? It’s been quite a while since I’ve done any writing. ...

The Most Beautiful Places I’ve Ever Been To (So Far)

The Most Beautiful Places I've Ever Been To (So Far)
International travel is still off the cards for now but the world is still full of amazing sights. Here are the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to… so far. New Zealand’s South Island approaching Mount Cook, definitely one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been to Hard to believe it’s been about one year since ...

“Reality Is Often Disappointing”: 3 Ways WandaVision Nails Grief and Loss

"Reality Is Often Disappointing": 3 Ways WandaVision Nails Grief and Loss
Marvel’s most popular show is a great watch and brilliantly written, and I must say I absolutely love the way WandaVision nails grief and loss. Source: Disney/Marvel Spoilers for WandaVision (up to Episode 7) below. I would probably call myself a mid-range Marvel fan. I don’t own any comics or know every single character, but I’m definitely on ...

5 Ways Sex Scenes Ruin Your Love Life

5 Ways Sex Scenes Ruin Your Love Life
Bridgerton, Normal People, 365 Days – popular shows on streaming services are getting big views for getting hot and heavy. But are they healthy? Here are 5 ways sex scenes ruin your love life. Source: Netflix Mature written content warning. Like many people during mid and post pandemic times, I’ve been watching a lot more TV. With things ...

6 Ways To Be A Terrible Husband

6 Ways To Be A Terrible Husband
No man starts out wanting to be this way, but that’s sometimes where we end up. Here are 6 ways to be a terrible husband. Source: Sony “You’re not hearing what she’s saying, Matt”. Krys is a sharpshooting older gentleman who wanted to have a chat to me during the dating phase with my now wife. I was ...

Feeling Alone At Christmas Is The Worst Feeling In The World

Feeling Alone At Christmas Is The Worst Feeling In The World
It’s a time when you’re supposed to be happy, but a nightmare when you’re not. Feeling alone at Christmas is the worst feeling in the world. Photo by cottonbro from Pexels Or at least it’s definitely up there. Christmas is a time where there are many images of joy displayed throughout the world, bombarded into our eyes and minds from every ...

Was 2020 The Worst Year Ever? Sowing in Famine – 2020 In Review

Was 2020 The Worst Year Ever? Sowing in Famine - 2020 In Review
It’s cool to hate on this year, but is 2020 the worst year ever? Here’s my annual review of the year that was – the good, the bad, and the ugly. Mr Walking The Shoreline going Walking The Shoreline with the fam in October With a final few weeks to go until the start of a new ...

10 Christmas Movies That Are Actually Great

10 Christmas Movies That Are Actually Great
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, but a lot of holiday movies deserve a lump of coal. Here are 10 Christmas movies that are actually great. Source: Universal Pictures We watched the new Lego Star Wars Holiday Special last night and it was a decently amusing love letter to Star Wars. Of course, it’s also ...

10 Ways To Minimize Fights In Marriage and Love

10 Ways To Minimize Fights In Marriage and Love
When the relationship is at peace, it can be heaven on earth; when it’s not, it can be a living hell. Here are 10 ways to minimize fights in marriage and love. Source: Netflix (and still a really great movie) It seems all of us know the couple who is always fighting. Or maybe even a few ...

People Who Love And Create Drama Have One Thing In Common

People Who Love And Create Drama Have One Thing In Common
People who love and create drama – we all know them, but how do you deal with them? It helps to recognize they usually have one thing in common. Photo by Odonata Wellnesscenter from Pexels This has been a rough year for the world. There have been a huge number of tumultuous events, all exacerbated by one of the most ...

Amazing Shows From Japan: 15 of the Best Anime… Ever

Amazing Shows From Japan: 15 of the Best Anime... Ever
The world of anime has brought us some bizarre, over-the-top, and absolutely awesome entertainment. Here are 15 amazing shows from Japan. Source: Toho Animation Growing up in Australia there was an old show called CheezTV. If you were under 15 anywhere in the country, you were probably up in the mornings before school getting introduced to ...

Why “I’ll Know It When I See It” In Love Doesn’t (Usually) Work

Why "I'll Know It When I See It" In Love Doesn't (Usually) Work
Significant numbers of people offer the advice that “you’ll just know” when finding love, but is it actually right? Here’s why I’ll Know When I See It in love doesn’t (usually) work. Source: TriStar Finding, keeping, and committing to love can take a very long time to get right. And there’s so much advice out there! How ...

My Problem With Modern Worship Songs

My Problem With Modern Worship Songs
Too emotional? Too commercialized? Too “Jesus is my Boyfriend”? Here is my problem with modern worship songs. Source: Elevation Worship Probably worth mentioning from the start that this post is a bit more targeted towards readers of a Christian faith, but you’re welcome to keep reading no matter what walk of life you’re from. Ah, the modern worship ...

A Married Man’s Response to Cuties and #CancelNetflix

A Married Man's Response to Cuties and #CancelNetflix
I really try to avoid hating on things, but with #CancelNetflix and Cuties trending like mad around this film and after seeing in more detail why, I really need to say something. Here is my response to #CancelNetflix and Cuties. Source: Netflix Mature written content warning Foreign film Cuties stirred a lot of controversy on original screening and ...

7 Good Things To Come Out Of COVID Season (For Real)

7 Good Things To Come Out Of COVID Season (For Real)
This time has been awful and it’s been terrible and it sucks and I hate it… but it’s also been good. Here are 7 good things to come out of COVID season. Source: Me! Took this the other week along the scenic Brisbane Corso This truly has been an unprecedented time in our history. It hasn’t been ...

7 Dumb Reasons To Not Date Someone (Or To Break Up)

7 Dumb Reasons To Not Date Someone (Or To Break Up)
Are you being wise, particular, picky or just plain dumb? Here are 7 dumb reasons to not date someone or to break it off. Source: Lionsgate Everyone loves the show Seinfeld. Well, most people. Before Parks and Rec, The Office, and Fresh Prince, there was the NBC prime time hit based on a New York dwelling comedian ...

6 Things That Helped Me Get Through Depression And Anxiety

6 Things That Helped Me Get Through Depression And Anxiety
Something some people don’t know about me – I used to need eye drops every day to be able to see because I used to cry so much. Here are 6 things that helped me get through depression and anxiety. A shot from recent and much happier times in Galway Bay, Ireland. But it hasn’t always ...

7 Things I Learned Because of Black Lives Matter #BLM

7 Things I Learned Because of Black Lives Matter #BLM
They told white people to listen, so as a white person I did just that. Here are 7 things I learned because of Black Lives Matter. Source: Rockhampton Morning Bulletin If you’re reading this, you would probably already be well acquainted with Black Lives Matter, #BLM, All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, and a number of the ...

The Thing That Fills My Heart With Sorrow

The Thing That Fills My Heart With Sorrow
I’m usually not the type to despair, but sometimes I do. Here is the thing that fills my heart with sorrow. Source: The Australian Our world is in one of its most trying times in existence. International borders closed, families and friends kept physically isolated for extended periods of time, bushfires and hurricanes, unknown and highly contagious ...

Your Love Life & Breaking Patterns of Dysfunction

Your Love Life & Breaking Patterns of Dysfunction
In our relationships, it’s the repeated things that keep us together or drive us apart. The health of our love life depends on our success in breaking patterns of dysfunction. Source: Netflix Have you ever found yourself asking, “Why does this always happen to me?”. You may be stuck in a cycle, and if so, this one ...

5 Bands That Have Shaped My Life AKA The Musical Journey of Matt

5 Bands That Have Shaped My Life AKA The Musical Journey of Matt
If music tells you a lot about a person, get ready to learn a lot about me – here are five bands that have shaped my life and gotten me through the ups and downs of life. If you appreciate music, are looking for some new tunes to check out, or just like people being reflective, ...

How The Root of Bitterness Destroys Relationships

How The Root of Bitterness Destroys Relationships
Whatever type of connection it may be, this one could certainly end it – this is how the root of bitterness destroys relationships. We live in uncertain times. Life continues to change. Interactions continue to be different. Expectations and reality stay at odds from each other. We’ve got to be physically distant whilst trying to maintain ...

10 Signs You’ve Found Marriage Material

10 Signs You've Found Marriage Material
We hear all the time about the red flags and the reasons to break a relationship off – instead, here are 10 signs you’ve found marriage material. The search for a life partner can be an all consuming venture. Trying to find someone you want to marry is one thing, then you have to also find ...

8 Ways To Be Physically Distant But Socially Connected

8 Ways To Be Physically Distant But Socially Connected
With the need to be physically distant from others in this season, it can be a very trying time for human connection. Here are 8 ways to be physically distant but stay socially connected. A positive look at our great opportunity during this trying time. I’m writing this in the midst of a world in chaos. COVID-19 ...

Mental Illness Isn’t An Excuse for Cruelty or Destruction

Mental Illness Isn't An Excuse for Cruelty or Destruction
A recent tragedy of domestic violence has highlighted the dark reality of many relationships, resounding to us that mental illness isn’t an excuse to be cruel or destructive. Source: Daily Mail What recent marital tragedy am I referring to? That would depend on where you live and when you are reading this. Unfortunately in every country at ...

7 Things That Push The Good Men Away

7 Things That Push The Good Men Away
In the search for a partner, could you be pushing away the man of your dreams? Here are 7 things which push the good men away. Source: Warner Bros. There are a few re-occurring seasons of life that put extra pressure and awareness on the state of your love life. Valentine’s Day is the obvious one, where ...

Do The Right Thing Even If You Get The Wrong Result

Do The Right Thing Even If You Get The Wrong Result
There’s been a fairly simple, fairly underrated yet fairly profound encouragement echoing through my mind for the start of the year – do the right thing even if you get the wrong result. Photo by Kun Fotografi from Pexels The Twenties are back, baby. I hope you’re putting the full four digit year down on ...

Children Are Not Their Parents: The Rise Of Skywalker Spoilers Review

Children Are Not Their Parents: The Rise Of Skywalker Spoilers Review
Episode 9 in a sentence – children are not their parents. To say any more than that… well, spoilers. Here is my Rise Of Skywalker spoilers review. Source: Disney In case it wasn’t clear enough already, spoilers for The Rise of Skywalker to follow. Like Avengers: Endgame, Episode 9 of Star Wars is impossible to talk about without ...

When Will Christmas Be Happy?

When Will Christmas Be Happy?
One of the deepest questions of this season isn’t around presents, lights, carols or shops – it’s this: When will Christmas be happy? Source: Universal. Also, Arthur is a doodley-doo Christmas really is one of the most unique times of the year. I’m walking around Australian shops in 40 degree heat and our country is currently facing ...

The Constant Struggle of Expectations vs. Reality – 2019 In Review

The Constant Struggle of Expectations vs. Reality - 2019 In Review
Through the ups and downs of the year, one thing is clear – 2019 has been a classic example of the constant struggle of expectations vs. reality. Me at Mars Hill, Athens this year – where reality was much better than expectations! The end of the year is one of the most reflective times in our calendar. ...

What Porn Teaches Us About Men

What Porn Teaches Us About Men
A lot of gents seem to really like it, but we don’t always think about the reasons why. Here’s what porn teaches us about men. Source: Stock Mature written content warning. It seems porn probably has never been more mainstream than it is today. Once a back corner wink wink nudge nudge sort of topic, we see ...

Why Men Need Purpose, Direction, and Income

Why Men Need Purpose, Direction, and Income
“I want a man who’s unemployed, lazy and directionless”, said no woman ever. Here’s why men need purpose, direction, and yes – income. Source: Warner Bros (and a really brilliant movie) The last post I did was a response to a very popular ABC article about man drought in the faith community. That post definitely got a ...

Is There Really A Christian Man Drought?

Is There Really A Christian Man Drought?
What do you do when it feels like there’s no one out there for you? Are we really in the middle of a Christian man drought? Source: Wong Fu Productions (from the brilliant Single By 30 on YouTube Premium) It’s been a little while since I’ve last posted something here. That’s because my wife and I have been ...

8 Ways to Recover From Burnout

8 Ways to Recover From Burnout
It’s a terrible thing trying to lead a full life while running on empty. Here are 8 ways to recover from burnout. Photo by Craig Adderley from Pexels There are few things worse than having the desire to live life to the best of your ability when your energy is absolutely sapped. When you know there are ...

Is Tall Poppy Syndrome Killing Your Relationships?

Is Tall Poppy Syndrome Killing Your Relationships?
Call it narcissism, call it selfish, call it TPS – we see it in our society, but can we see it in our connections? Tall poppy syndrome is killing your relationships. Source: Disney We’ve recently been rewatching Seinfeld of all shows. One that came on today was where Jerry, doing quite well financially, decides to buy his ...

8 Ways All Marriages Are The Same

8 Ways All Marriages Are The Same
No two couples are alike, but we have more in common than you might think. Here are 8 ways all marriages are the same. Source: Pexels Marriage is the joining of two individuals together. If you’ve ever met two individuals and known them for any length of time, you would know that despite how similar even the ...

Celibacy Syndrome, Rejection, and Preferring Sex With A Screen

Celibacy Syndrome, Rejection, and Preferring Sex With A Screen
Japan is experiencing a phenomenon known as celibacy syndrome, but it isn’t the only country where people are preferring sex with a screen over real relationships. Photo by from Pexels Mature written content warning, reader discretion advised. I recently read an article on Fight The New Drug about how Japan’s death rate has surpassed the birth rate by ...

How To Have A Great Time In New Zealand (Outside of Queenstown)

How To Have A Great Time In New Zealand (Outside of Queenstown)
Queenstown is always the popular place for those visiting the Land of the Long White Cloud, but here’s some other ideas on how to have a great time in New Zealand. Sam’s house! This isn’t really a travel blog, but I thought it was time to talk about our trip to New Zealand. It really is a ...

“I Am Inevitable”: My Spoiler Review for Avengers: Endgame

"I Am Inevitable": My Spoiler Review for Avengers: Endgame
This review was inevitable. On the way to being the highest grossing film ever made, the arrival of Thanos is sending the world wild. Does Avengers: Endgame live up to the hype? Here’s my spoiler review for Avengers: Endgame. Source: Disney It’s been a little while! I was tossing up between doing this one and writing about ...

How Easter Changed My Life

How Easter Changed My Life
It might not mean much to you, but it means everything to me – here is the story of how Easter changed my life. Easter is a contentious time around the world. It’s a holiday perpetuated because the Christian world hijacked an existing pagan festival around the time of the equinox. Because so much of Western civilization is built ...

Is It Ever Okay to Cheat on Someone?

Is It Ever Okay to Cheat on Someone?
As time goes on, relationships get harder, and your heart becomes more unsure, is it ever okay to cheat on someone? Source: Pixels If you’ve clicked on this, you’ve done so for one of three main reasons: You’re a friend of my wife or I and are concerned Matt is about to do something stupid You’re in a ...

Are You Becoming A Cynical Person?

Are You Becoming A Cynical Person?
As we grow older and through the ups and downs, we can either let life make us better or let it make us bitter. Are you becoming a cynical person? Source: Disney I would have to say this time in my life is one of the most up and down times I’ve been through. There really have ...

Do You Struggle To Feel Loved?

Do You Struggle To Feel Loved?
Mother Teresa called feeling unloved and unwanted the greatest poverty. Whether with your spouse, partner, friends, anyone, or everyone, do you struggle to feel loved? Photo by Ibrahim Asad from Pexels No matter how different we all are us people – in race, creed, faith, geography, history, whatever – we are all fundamentally the same in that we all ...

Becoming A Dog Owner (500k Visitor Special)

Becoming A Dog Owner (500k Visitor Special)
In honour of a significant milestone for the blog, I thought I’d write about something a little different. Here is some insight into my journey in becoming a dog owner. In the years of writing this blog, I have been truly humbled by the amount of readership and feedback I have been getting. This isn’t a ...

Do You Make It Awkward For People To Get To Know You?

Do You Make It Awkward For People To Get To Know You?
Whether you’re looking for a date, trying to make some new friends, or attempting to sustain an existing relationship, are you the one to make it awkward for people to get to know you? Source: Paramount If you know me, you’ll know I love talking to people about the relationships in their lives. Relationships are usually the ...

The Creepy Guy Quiz – Find out if you’re a creepo!

The Creepy Guy Quiz - Find out if you're a creepo!
Are you a creepy guy? Do women die a little inside when they see that face pop up? Take this Creepy Guy Quiz and find out! Source: NBC I know. You probably think you’re a nice guy. You’ve got it going on like Diddy Kong. You put the fine in financially stable. You put the man in ...

“I Shouldn’t Have to Change for Love”… Really?

"I Shouldn't Have to Change for Love"... Really?
A statement that sounds like wisdom is that you shouldn’t have to change for love. But how wise is it really? Source: Pexels “I’d like a relationship, but I shouldn’t have to change for love”, she said. An interesting statement that I’ve heard many times. Having brought the dating arrangement to an abrupt end, she was pretty ...

9 Obstacles to Sexual Utopia

9 Obstacles to Sexual Utopia
Everyone wants a great sex life, but not everyone would describe their sex life as great. Here are 9 obstacles to sexual utopia. Source: Warner Bros Mature written content warning, reader discretion advised. Sex is a massive part of a person’s life. Whether it’s the sex they have or the sex they don’t, so many of our decisions ...

Christmas Is About You

Christmas Is About You
Presents, relatives, memories, nostalgia, holidays and relationships. Out of all the many things that make up the holiday season, ultimately Christmas is about you. This year, my wife and I are already way ahead on the Christmas movie schedule. My all-time favourite, The Muppet Christmas Carol, has already made an appearance, as well as The Santa ...

When Everything Changes – 2018 In Review

When Everything Changes - 2018 In Review
Engagement, marriage, new work, drastically different commitments, and a set up for a big future – 2018 was really a picture of life when everything changes. Soooo much happened this year I am writing this blog in week 51 out of 52 weeks in the year. Can you believe it’s already been another year? It can seem ...

7 Things To Consider Before Throwing Your Relationship Away

7 Things To Consider Before Throwing Your Relationship Away
When things don’t go the way you hoped, breaking it off with someone seems to be the most viable option. Here are 7 things to consider before throwing your relationship away. I’m writing this towards one of the most reflective times of the year – Christmas. Like birthdays and New Year’s Eve, it’s one of those ...

Why Hasn’t God Healed Me Yet?

Why Hasn't God Healed Me Yet?
Heartache, sickness, that longstanding condition that just won’t leave you alone, or the unanswered prayer that constantly breaks your heart. Why hasn’t God healed me yet? People go through all sorts of afflictions and setbacks in life. Some are minor, like learning your favourite barista has moved shops and you have to put up with the ...

Have You Missed “The One”? In Search Of The Soulmate

Have You Missed "The One"? In Search Of The Soulmate
Have you already missed the best person for your life? Have you missed ‘the one”? Or is your soulmate still out there? If you know me, you know I always take note when someone mentions a greater struggle taking place in their lives. I seem to have some sort of a fascination with the bigger reasons ...

Our Wedding & The Miracle of 12 Close Friends at 30

Our Wedding & The Miracle of 12 Close Friends at 30
It can be really hard to believe that it’s possible to have 12 close friends at the age of 30. And yet our wedding day proved to be a great celebration of friendship and what it takes to build and celebrate connections that last a lifetime. Long time no post, huh? I know what you’re thinking. ...

Why Christians Who Don’t Go To Church Are Missing The Point

Why Christians Who Don't Go To Church Are Missing The Point
“I love God, but I don’t go to church”. Is it really possible for these two viewpoints to co-exist in someone who professes to be a Christian? Have you ever sat down with someone you went to high school, university, or some social gathering with, and had that little conversation of “Where Are They Now?”. Oh ...

My Problem With “I Can’t Help It”

My Problem With "I Can't Help It"
What do you do when people refuse to change? Here is my problem with the statement, “I can’t help it”. We recently completed our pre-marriage counselling, and it was an experience I would definitely recommend any serious couple to undertake. We did the Prepare/Enrich course with some longtime mentors and friends of mine. I wasn’t sure ...

6 Books I’m Glad I Read Before I Got Engaged (And One During!)

6 Books I'm Glad I Read Before I Got Engaged (And One During!)
It’s a time of preparing for a lifetime of eternal bliss, sexual fulfillment and everything always being perfect and wonderful… right? Here are 6 books I’m super glad I read before I got engaged. And one I’m even more glad I read while engaged. Last night I wrote a post about the questions I get asked the ...

10 Questions I Always Get Asked About Writing Online

10 Questions I Always Get Asked About Writing Online
Whether you’re a fellow writer, a regular reader, or looking to get started yourself, I get asked about the world of blogging on a regular basis. Here are 10 questions I always get asked about writing online. Walking The Shoreline started way back in 2014 after I had told a group of men my age that ...

Doing It Alone? 7 Reasons We Won’t Ask For Help

Doing It Alone? 7 Reasons We Won't Ask For Help
Are you doing it alone when you don’t have to be, or dealing with someone who is? Here are 7 reasons we won’t ask for help. Wedding planning is a crazy time. It’s exciting, it’s confronting, it’s encouraging, it’s challenging, it’s happy, and it’s up and down. Or at least those have definitely been my experiences ...

Why Timon and Pumbaa Are The True Villains Of The Lion King

Why Timon and Pumbaa Are The True Villains Of The Lion King
Hakuna Matata and eating bugs accompanied by utter devastation. Here’s why Timon and Pumbaa are the true villains of The Lion King… and of the lives of many of us. I had the awesome privilege of getting to witness the Aladdin musical featuring The Genie from Broadway last week. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. You get the ...

When Nobody Is Good Enough For You

When Nobody Is Good Enough For You
Whether it’s the inability to find someone worthwhile, or feeling stuck in a relationship – what do you do when nobody is good enough for you? This one comes to you on the other side of some exciting personal news. I’ve recently gotten engaged in the last week or so, and Walking The Shoreline has had ...

Everyone Is Religious

Everyone Is Religious
Is God dead? Is organised religion a farce? Whatever your answer, I would subscribe to you that everyone is religious, not just those who say they are. A comment that I hear with ever increasing regularity is “I’m not religious”. People usually say this when they either have no belief in a higher power, or they ...

Are You Too Busy For A Relationship?

Are You Too Busy For A Relationship?
The African proverb says, “If you want to travel fast, go alone; if you want to travel far, go together”. A growing majority of single and married people are choosing the former. Are you too busy for a relationship? I think one of the most common statements I hear when people discuss the topic of relationships, ...

7 Reasons Why You Should Just Tell Him (Or Her)

7 Reasons Why You Should Just Tell Him (Or Her)
Life is too short to keep love to yourself. Here are 7 reasons why you should just tell him (or her). “Matt, why is this one not targeted at guys telling them to communicate their love?”. Well, it is. It’s about all of us really. The phrasing here, “Tell Him”, refers to a classic duet between ...

Is Your Phone Ruining Your Love Life? – Valentine’s Day 2018

Is Your Phone Ruining Your Love Life? - Valentine's Day 2018
Is your phone ruining your love life? Single, dating or married, the greatest competition to a satisfying relationship may be that little screen in your pocket. I think everyone has had a Valentine’s Day that’s sucked. For some it was because it was a time of love unrequited. For others it was a time where you ...

Is It Harder To Date In Church?

Is It Harder To Date In Church?
It’s an issue plaguing many of the young adults in our faith communities, but not one we’re always willing to talk about directly. Is it harder to date in church? In recent months I’ve met a number more people across some different churches. My travels have taken me to churches and non-denominational events of a variety ...

7 Ways To Destroy Your Friendships and Key Relationships

7 Ways To Destroy Your Friendships and Key Relationships
It’s easier to break a connection than it is to build one. Here are 7 ways to destroy your friendships and key relationships. Relationships are the greatest source of joy, or the greatest source of pain. There’s no real middle ground. Whether it be friends, significant others, key business partners, or people we wish we were ...

Three Movies Better Than Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Three Movies Better Than Star Wars: The Last Jedi
The latest episode in the space drama has got nothing on these. Jumanji, The Greatest Showman, and Your Name are three movies better than Star Wars: The Last Jedi. For the record, I enjoyed The Last Jedi. I saw it three times in the cinema. I wrote one of the few fan reviews in favour of ...

Ghosting Is The Worst Phenomenon In Modern Relationships

Ghosting Is The Worst Phenomenon In Modern Relationships
Ghosting is the worst. Here’s a look at an ever increasing, and an ever disheartening, trend in modern relationships. This year I was working for a company that had a bit of a shorter Christmas closure period, so we only had a week or so off. It was certainly enough for people to get enough of ...

The Last Jedi Isn’t The Worst Movie Ever

The Last Jedi Isn't The Worst Movie Ever
Much like the galaxy itself, the fans are more divided than ever. But put down the pitchforks, kids – The Last Jedi isn’t the worst movie ever. Moderate spoilers for Star Wars:The Last Jedi to follow. None of the major reveals will be mentioned, but some of the sequences and themes will be discussed in depth. If ...

It’s The Most Difficult Time Of The Year

It's The Most Difficult Time Of The Year
The song says it should be the most wonderful time, but for many, Christmas is the most difficult time of the year. Can you believe the year is almost over? How amazing is that. If you’ve already read my Year in Review, you’ll already know that I felt like I lived a whole lifetime in this ...

Days In The Sun – 2017 In Review

Days In The Sun - 2017 In Review
2017. I feel like I lived a whole lifetime in this year. From many dark days yearning for the return of the days in the sun, to the eventual dawning of new days, join me in taking a look back at the year that was. I can’t believe it’s been only a year since this time ...

Are You The Problem In Your Relationships?

Are You The Problem In Your Relationships?
It’s not me, it’s everyone else who’s crazy! Or are these the words of ignorance? It’s time to ask – are you the problem in your relationships? I wrote towards the start of the year about one of the most frequently used break-up lines in history – it’s not you, it’s me. At the time it ...

10 Things In Our Lifetime That Have Already Been Replaced

10 Things In Our Lifetime That Have Already Been Replaced
Feeling old yet? Here are 10 things in our lifetime that have already been replaced. I recently celebrated my 29th birthday, meaning the big 3-0 is right around the corner. People dread their 30s arriving with fear, as its the years when life usually hits you and very sternly asks you what you’ve been doing for ...

#MeToo: How Men Should Treat Women

#MeToo: How Men Should Treat Women
Alyssa Milano asked, and thousands upon thousands responded. At the centre of a hashtag and a Hollywood scandal, we see underlined a problem that endures today: the issue of how men should treat women. Mature written content warning. For the past week and a bit, I had been thinking it’s time I wrote another article looking at ...

My Problem With “Don’t Judge Me”

My Problem With "Don't Judge Me"
Everyone wants justice, but not everyone wants to be judged… here’s my problem with one of the most frequently used sentences in the entire world: “don’t judge me”. Never before in history have the terms Nazi, racist, bigot, or “X”-ophobe (insert your phobia of choice here) been more prevalent in the common lexicon of our society. ...

The Seasons of Friends

The Seasons of Friends
Not everyone who comes into your life is going to stay. Like summer dawns and winter fades, we must learn to negotiate the seasons of friends. What comes to mind when you think of the biggest disappointments in your life? Or the biggest challenges you’re facing right now? Some would say it’s trying to achieve a ...

What Do You Do When People Don’t Change?

What Do You Do When People Don't Change?
Is it my fault, was there anything else I could’ve done, or is there something more going on? What do you do when people don’t change? One day on my Facebook page I started posted some thoughts that had really helped me in my life. Whether it be negotiating work decisions or one of the leadership ...

Our Obsession With Outrage and Being Triggered is Destroying Society

Our Obsession With Outrage and Being Triggered is Destroying Society
Hyperbole is the order of the day, “civil discussions” are characterised by yelling and name calling, and people are losing their lives – we need to stop with the outrage and being triggered. Many people will have seen the recent riots in Charlottesville. Truly a tragedy in the midst of what has already been a tumultuous year ...

My Problem With How We Worship Being Single

My Problem With How We Worship Being Single
We get it. You can live a good life while you’re single. But I really think the point is hammered to the point of being obsessive, to the point that we worship being single. It feels like every day I see at least 10 articles or memes about how awesome it is being single, including and ...

The Gender Ghetto of the Christian Faith

The Gender Ghetto of the Christian Faith
While we speak of the power of unity, we can be incredibly guilty of creating a divide between men and women, enforcing a gender ghetto within the Christian faith. Before I start, I would like to confess my absolute love for the Christian church. As a believer who has been involved in church life for a ...

5 Reasons Millennials Struggle to Find Mentors

5 Reasons Millennials Struggle to Find Mentors
When you’re in your 20s and 30s, sometimes all you want is someone older to help guide your way. Here are five reasons millennials struggle to find mentors. One of the biggest issues I get raised to me by people in my age group is the question of finding the right mentors for this season of ...

7 Things I Love About Brisbane (And 2 I Don’t…)

7 Things I Love About Brisbane (And 2 I Don't...)
Brisbane, Australia is probably the best city in the whole world. Or at least to me. Here are seven things I love about Brisbane. Okay, so I can’t comment on the excellence of Brisbane in California (which is pronounced “Brisbaaaane” instead of what the Australians call “Bris-bin”), and I can’t comprehensively rule out the greatness of ...

You Need To Stop Lying To Your Friends

You Need To Stop Lying To Your Friends
I know you mean well and I know you think you have good intentions, but you really need to stop lying to your friends. Two of my friends recently hosted a corporate fundraiser in order to raise funds and awareness for one of their big events coming up fairly soon. The event is known as The ...

Smashed Avo, $4 Coffees & 3 Things Millennials Don’t Want to Hear

Smashed Avo, $4 Coffees & 3 Things Millennials Don't Want to Hear
Another week, another off kilter comment on why millennials will never afford their own house. But are smashed avo, $4 coffees and our generation really such a sensitive combination? Above is the Avo-Latte. You may have seen this one doing the rounds in the past week. A cafe in Melbourne initially launched this idea, and it ...

My Problem With “Covenant vs. Contract”

My Problem With "Covenant vs. Contract"
Are all commitments unconditional? Are all promises kept regardless of what the other person does? Or are we grossly oversimplifying the truth? Here’s my problem with “Covenant vs. Contract”. In the 80s and 90s, people of faith were swept by the phrase, “It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship”. The term religion had been broadly used ...

10 Things People Don’t Usually Know About Me

10 Things People Don't Usually Know About Me
Looks can be deceiving, and even after knowing someone for a while, they can still surprise you. Here are 10 things I find that people don’t usually know about me. Isn’t it amazing how long you can know someone and they can still surprise you? I remember catching up with some people last week I had ...

When What You Love Dies – Easter 2017

When What You Love Dies - Easter 2017
A seemingly broken promise, the end of hope, and the death of what was supposed to be. This Easter, what do you do when what you love dies? It is a time of great uncertainty in the world today. There have been numerous attacks and great tragedies across multiple nations. Governments are in breakdown, millions of dollars ...

10 Reasons We Withhold Love From Each Other

10 Reasons We Withhold Love From Each Other
Everyone wants to be loved, and yet so many times, love is the hardest thing for us to express and receive. Here are 10 reasons we withhold love from others, and maybe why they withhold it from us. I like to climb the nature reserve next to my house every Saturday morning, and yesterday ...

Beauty And The Beast 2017 Review: An Ironically Realistic Love Story

Beauty And The Beast 2017 Review: An Ironically Realistic Love Story
Tale as old as time… but is it worth seeing again this time? Here’s my Beauty and the Beast 2017 Review. I have the great fortune of living walking distance from a cinema. Granted that it’s a 20 minute walk up and down some hills that even some cars will struggle on, but even so. Tonight ...

Are You Actually A Christian?

Are You Actually A Christian?
She’s doing all the right things, but her heart is far away… he’s a church leader, but he unapologetically abuses his family… are you actually a Christian? NB. The following post is intended for a professing Christian audience and addresses some very raw subject matter. You have been warned. It’s 5am on a Saturday morning, and I’m ...

My Breath Of The Wild Review: Stellar Heights With Diminishing Returns

My Breath Of The Wild Review: Stellar Heights With Diminishing Returns
Before it came out I was apathetic, when I started it I was amazed, but after the credits roll I am… conflicted. Here’s my Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Review. I am a massive Legend of Zelda fan. Most people who come over my house will comment on the giant Ocarina of Time poster ...

6 Pros and Cons of Wanting To Be Friends First

6 Pros and Cons of Wanting To Be Friends First
When it comes to relationships, it’s either someone you don’t know, or someone you do. Here are 6 pros and cons of wanting to be friends first. In movies in general, there is an extreme bias towards the tall dark handsome stranger, or the bubbly new girl who sweeps you off your feet. You know, she’s ...

What “It’s Not You, It’s Me” Really Means

What "It's Not You, It's Me" Really Means
The most common breakup line of all time. Here’s what “It’s not you, it’s me” really means. I’m amazed sometimes at how willing people are to be open about their love life online. It’s not even really that direct all the time – it’s usually through the form of resharing existing posts or those Insta-poem things, ...

6 Pros and Cons of Quitting Social Media

6 Pros and Cons of Quitting Social Media
Not enough Likes, too many fake friends, and perhaps creating more problems than it solves – here are six pros and cons of quitting social media. It seems like every few weeks, I see that one statement pop up on my news feed. That one statement that people routinely frequent, or try for the first time, ...

7 Reasons You’ve Gotta Just Do It

7 Reasons You've Gotta Just Do It
You’ve wasted enough of your life. Stop putting it off, making excuses, or avoiding it – it’s time to just do it. The start of the year is the time when most people receive the most call to action. Everyone starts with new resolutions and dreams for the year. Valentine’s Day in February calls on people ...

A White Male Conservative’s Thoughts On Donald Trump

A White Male Conservative's Thoughts On Donald Trump
I’m a white male conservative, making me one of the most hated combinations on the internet today. Here’s my thoughts on Donald Trump. It’s true. I’ve discovered recently thanks to the likes of Social Justice Warriors, Buzzfeed and MTV that I am just a deplorable human being. SJWs and Buzzfeed in particular have really highlighted just ...

8 Potential Reasons You’re Single for Valentine’s Day

8 Potential Reasons You're Single for Valentine's Day
February 14th is one of the most introspective and hated days of the year. Here’s why you might still be single for Valentine’s Day. I can always tell Valentine’s Day is approaching one of three ways. One – all the shops are going nuts with cards, flowers, chocolate, adult toys, and romantic movies. Two – all ...

My Problem With “Jesus, Take The Wheel”

My Problem With "Jesus, Take The Wheel"
One of the most common expressions Christians use today, but not entirely Biblical or fruitful – here’s my problem with “Jesus, take the wheel”. I wrote a while ago about My Problem with Christian Conferences. It certainly generated a whole lot of buzz. Usually when I write about sex or relationships, everyone wants to jump in ...

Uh Oh, Nintendo: 5 Reasons The Switch Isn’t Looking Great

Uh Oh, Nintendo: 5 Reasons The Switch Isn't Looking Great
In amidst all the hype and people raving about it, I’ve just got to say it – The Nintendo Switch isn’t looking great. I’m a massive Nintendo mark. Have been for ages. I have a lot of their consoles and still play them quite regularly. I recently plugged my Gamecube in again and have been going ...

How Do You Move On?

How Do You Move On?
I think more of us would be doing it if we knew how – how do you move on? The past few days on Facebook a friend has been posting about her journey to recovery and healing in her life. While everyone else has been going nuts about getting their Ashy Bines Booty Challenge in to ...

Moana is Awesome

Moana is Awesome
Somewhat hidden underneath the release of the new Star Wars movie, a far superior film has hit the screens: Moana is awesome. Okay, okay fanboys and fangirls, settle down. I’m actually a massive Star Wars fan myself. I enjoyed Rogue One the first time. I would say it’s probably the weakest of the Star Wars prequels ...

8 Pros and Cons of New Beginnings

8 Pros and Cons of New Beginnings
It seems with another new year, everyone is ready to start again. But is that such a good thing? Here are 8 pros and cons of new beginnings. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve made it into the most reflective portion of the adult calendar. The advent of another new year. 2017 approaches. Most of the feedback I’ve ...

I’m Just A Man (2016 In Review)

I'm Just A Man (2016 In Review)
There’s been so much to happen across this year…. but I’m just a man. Here’s a very open look at my 2016. December. It’s here in force. That means Christmas approaches, which also means 2017. I was at my work Christmas party last week and was blown away by the fact that once again, the year ...

Why Are People So Immature?

Why Are People So Immature?
This is definitely one of the biggest complaints that people have for the opposite sex, for coworkers, for so called friends and for those gone by. Why are people so immature? I think it’s always interesting to consider how there are two sides to every story. If you know two people who are having a disagreement or a ...

The Top 10 Best Movies Of All Time

The Top 10 Best Movies Of All Time
Strap yourself in, boys and girls. Here are the 10 best movies of all time. …At least according to me. John and Stasi Eldredge in their book, Love and War, wrote that one of the most intimate things that you can find out about someone is their favourite movie scenes. In the book, they implore couples to ...

The Challenge Of Our Pansexual Gender Fluid Society

The Challenge Of Our Pansexual Gender Fluid Society
With an increasing shift towards a pansexual gender fluid way of life, perhaps we are introducing a new challenge whilst trying to address an old one. Another day has gone by and another slew of events have happened all around the world. All eyes are fixed on the United States election, with everyone awaiting more alleged illegal ...

Not All Who Wander Are Lost… But Maybe Some Are

Not All Who Wander Are Lost... But Maybe Some Are
Even the strongest soul can become overwhelmed with a sense of discontent and a lack of direction. Not all who wander are lost… but maybe some are. All that glitters is not gold. These are the immortal words of Shakespeare that were adapted by Professor JRR Tolkien in the poem of the same name. Essentially the ...

My Problem With Christian Conferences

My Problem With Christian Conferences
The massive venues, the steep price tag, the lights and the world class speakers… Here’s my problem with Christian conferences. It seems like every month there are more and more Christian conferences popping up. Usually launched by churches, but also sometimes by organisations and partnerships, the options nowadays are unreal. From any denomination and any country, ...

10 Unforgettable Moments in Gaming

10 Unforgettable Moments in Gaming
From Mario to Middle Earth, here are 10 of the most unforgettable moments in gaming… at least to me. Also, spoilers. If you don’t already know, I am a massive nerd. Sure, I love writing about deep and meaningful stuff, like relationships, friendships, the purpose of our lives or some massively topical issue. But at the same ...

Is Someone Leading You On?

Is Someone Leading You On?
Empty promises, false hope, so close but so far, yet just enough to keep you going… Is someone leading you on? I think one of the most repeated experiences I’ve seen over the last month or so is the number of people who have gotten hurt through the channel of being led on. You know, being ...

7 Dating Pressures That Didn’t Exist 30 Years Ago

7 Dating Pressures That Didn't Exist 30 Years Ago
The love advice that used to work so well doesn’t fully apply in a new world. Here are 7 dating pressures that didn’t exist 30 years ago. This past Sunday night I went out with one of my favourite couples. They’re great leaders and mentors to probably hundreds of people (no exaggeration), and I’m fortunate to ...

Chrono Cross Is The Best Game Ever Made

Chrono Cross Is The Best Game Ever Made
The girl who stole the stars, trapped within a memory, and the journey for her thoughts may cost you everything – here’s why Chrono Cross is the best game ever made. The opening sentence above is not what most people would expect out of a  video game. I meet many people even today who are surprised ...

My Relient K Air For Free Review

My Relient K Air For Free Review
After the polarizing Collapsible Lung, how did Relient K do with their latest album? All I can say is, “Welcome back, boys” – here’s my Air For Free review. Relient K was a band I grew up with. During my teenage years I got introduced to the 5 man band, and they were an instant fit. ...

Meeting The Right Person at the Wrong Time

Meeting The Right Person at the Wrong Time
“Nothing is sadder than meeting the right person at the wrong time”. Is it actually possible for this to happen? Memes are a fascinating creature. Last week I saw so many memes pertaining to a particular contestant on the current Australian season of The Bachelor, comparing her to Donald Trump and Jabba the Hutt. Personally I ...

Analysing The One Date Rule

Analysing The One Date Rule
You’ve given them at least one chance… now what? Here’s an analytical look at The One Date Rule. Also known as The One Coffee Rule. If you know me, you’ll know I’m quite the logical processor of life. I really like thinking things through. Heck, my last post was exactly about this phenomenon – you can give that ...

My Struggle: A Logical Mind in an Emotional World

My Struggle: A Logical Mind in an Emotional World
Driven by what seems to make sense, but in a world of feelings – here’s a look at one of my biggest internal struggles in life: Being a logical mind in an emotional world. For as long as I can remember, I have taken a very structured approach to life. From the earliest ages, my family assured ...

Should You Get Back With An Ex?

Should You Get Back With An Ex?
  They say Never Say Never, and Tay Tay says Never Ever Ever Ever Ever, but should you get back with an ex? I recently was away for a weekend with a bunch of mates at an Air BnB type thing (where you rent a holiday house for a few days) up the Sunshine Coast in Queensland. ...

How Much Does Physical Attraction Really Matter?

How Much Does Physical Attraction Really Matter?
Sharp looks, six packs, and curves that make the boys do swerves – how much does physical attraction really matter? With the release of the movie “Me Before You”, the role of the body in relationships is once again in the spotlight. While I haven’t seen this movie yet myself, what I have seen is the ...

7 Real Talk Reasons Why You Don’t Have Any Friends

7 Real Talk Reasons Why You Don't Have Any Friends
One of the most common statements we make, but what’s the truth behind it? Here are 7 real talk reasons why you don’t have any friends. I think one of the saddest things I hear is when people say they really don’t have anyone they connect with. Can you relate with that? Surrounded by so many ...

Men and Rape Culture

Men and Rape Culture
It seems like more and more, the voices of women are crying out for a solution – what can be said about men and rape culture? WARNING: Mature written content and trigger warning You’ve probably seen recently the horrendous actions of the former Stanford swimmer Brock Turner. His recent actions and the incredibly lenient 6 month sentence ...

7 Reasons I Love The Movie Something Borrowed

7 Reasons I Love The Movie Something Borrowed
A chick flick even men can enjoy, a good cast, and a film that’s all too real – here are 7 reasons I love the movie Something Borrowed. A while ago (and I mean a while ago) I wrote a post entitled The Anatomy of a Chick Flick. In that post I wrote about what seems to be ...

What “I Don’t Need A Man / I Don’t Need A Woman” Really Means

What "I Don't Need A Man / I Don't Need A Woman" Really Means
When people say “I don’t need a man / I don’t need a woman”, are they saying what they really mean? Well, ladies and gents, it’s that time again. Time to look at another one of those often used statements that we all know and love, and have a look at what we really mean when ...

When You’ve Lost Your Joy

When You've Lost Your Joy
Wearing a smile but carrying a heavy heart, losing the sense of hope and optimism you once had – it’s a difficult journey when you’ve lost your joy. Getting older is usually marked by a few things. One is the slowing down of the body, where the things you used to be able to do (or ...

6 Reasons Our Dreams Haven’t Come True

6 Reasons Our Dreams Haven't Come True
Sometimes what you want the most seems so far away. Here are 6 reasons our dreams haven’t come true. What is it that you want most in your life? Do you already have it? Or does it still seem far away? This week I’ve really been reminded again of the power of people’s dreams. Most of us have a ...

When You Can’t Stop Feeling Ashamed

When You Can't Stop Feeling Ashamed
That hanging sense of guilt and shame, a wondering if you’ll ever be good enough… What do you do when you can’t stop feeling ashamed? When it comes to secrets, most of us have quite a few. We can have secrets about what we want to do with our lives. We can have secrets we know about ...

The Best Comic Book Movie? Amazing Spiderman 2 Review

The Best Comic Book Movie? Amazing Spiderman 2 Review
With Civil War’s Spiderman drawing rave reviews, who is the ultimate Spiderman? Time to look at my favourite comic book movie – here’s my Amazing Spiderman 2 review. Not gonna lie – I thoroughly enjoyed the new Captain America: Civil War. I saw it a few days after it came out with some friends and all I can ...

Matt Answers ANYTHING

Matt Answers ANYTHING
You asked, I answered. From the Lego Hair on my head to why I talk about relationships so much, here are the honest answers to your questions. Here is where Matt answers anything. So a while ago I put it out to my readers to ask me whatever they wanted. Last week, I had a number ...

Can Women Pursue Men, Or Should Men Pursue Women?

Can Women Pursue Men, Or Should Men Pursue Women?
Time for one of those questions which spawns the age old debate – can women pursue men, or should men pursue women? It seems whenever the conversation of relationships come up, there are always a few divisive questions that arise. I’ve written about a bunch of them before, and they’ll probably appear to the side or at ...

What It Takes To Be A Gentleman

What It Takes To Be A Gentleman
Where have all the good men gone? Here’s a look at what it takes to be a gentleman. I was recently sitting in a number of functions where I was watching an ad for a certain set of events that were being repeated several weeks in a row. Events tailored to women, it was pretty cool to ...

8 Ways To Not Suck at Time Management

8 Ways To Not Suck at Time Management
Procrastinating, always feeling flat out, never enough hours in the day, running behind… here are 8 ways to not suck at time management. When I was in high school and early uni days, some of my friends were compiling a document simply entitled “How To Not Suck”. The intention was that it would be full of great adventures ...

5 Reasons Forgiveness is So Hard

5 Reasons Forgiveness is So Hard
Trapped in a memory, unable to move past what they did to you, and forgiving is the last thing you want to hear… here are 5 reasons forgiveness is so hard. I think it’s safe to say that when it comes to relating to people, one thing is guaranteed – you’re going to get hurt. I ...

Batman v Superman Spoiler Review – Is It Really That Bad?

Batman v Superman Spoiler Review - Is It Really That Bad?
Talk about mixed reviews – Man of Steel 2: The Fusion of Multiple Comics is not doing so well with critics. Here’s my Batman v Superman spoiler review. Also, in case it wasn’t clear, spoilers for the entire Batman v Superman film will follow. You have been warned. No, seriously… spoilers. If you haven’t watched the movie or don’t ...

6 Problems With “The Spark”

6 Problems With "The Spark"
The lights hit, the heavens opened, the angels sung, and that’s when you knew… or did you? Here are 6 problems with The Spark. “The Spark” is one of the most elusive and contentious issues when it comes to the conversation of relationships. Not to be confused with “Nicholas Sparks”, who has created many a male enemy ...

5 Things about Men I’m Surprised Women are Surprised About

5 Things about Men I'm Surprised Women are Surprised About
“Isn’t he supposed to be…?” – here are 5 things about men I’m surprised women are surprised about. One of my favourite things to do in my introspective downtime is to think about some of the consistent statements I encounter in my life. “All women are the same” – I hear this one all the time. I’ve ...

Top 10 Dragon Ball Moments

Top 10 Dragon Ball Moments
Step into the Grand Tour, Cha La your Head Cha La, power up to over 9000, and bow to the Prince – here are the top 10 Dragon Ball moments. I saw a great meme that pretty much what sums up what’s about to happen here. It had the difference between girls and boys growing up: Girls ...

Addressing the Sexual Elephant in the Room

Addressing the Sexual Elephant in the Room
Attraction, addiction, assault, even appetite – can we address the sexual elephant in the room? Mature written content warning. If you take a look at the news over the last few months, some of the biggest headlines are revolving around sexuality in some way, shape or form. I guess that’s true of any point in human history ...

7 Reasons Why I Value Women

7 Reasons Why I Value Women
It should never be about one gender without the other. Here are 7 reasons why I value women. If you follow me on Facebook, you will have seen two items of note recently. One is that I was recently featured on Thought Catalog, and the second being that I’ve put out there an opportunity to Ask ...

Valentine’s Day 2016

Valentine's Day 2016
The day of love means so many different things to so many different people. What does Valentine’s Day 2016 mean to you? Valentine’s Day is to love as Christmas is to family. At Christmas time, no matter where you may be, it’s a constant reminder of you and your family. That can be a very happy thing, or ...

7 Ways To Stop Feeling Lonely

7 Ways To Stop Feeling Lonely
Making connections that work can be a daunting experience as you get older. Here are 7 ways to stop feeling lonely. Sometimes it can be embarrassing to admit it, but a lot of us really struggle to make new friends as our lives are changing and we’re getting older. Loneliness is one of the most prevalent problems ...

6 Reasons We Don’t Say What We Mean

6 Reasons We Don't Say What We Mean
Where words and reality are two different things – here are 6 reasons we don’t say what we mean. I dunno about you, but a word that has been really publicised lately has been the word regret. I was talking to some people the other day about the songs that are out the moment, and they were ...

10 Random TV Shows I Enjoyed Growing Up

10 Random TV Shows I Enjoyed Growing Up
And now for some hidden gems from our childhood – here are 10 random TV shows I enjoyed growing up. We all have those popular shows that we have fond memories of. I recently saw a topic which resurfaced the other day about the restoration of a classic Australian morning TV show known as Cheez TV. ...

I Can’t Compete With Myself

I Can't Compete With Myself
I can’t compete with myself. For those who know me, I can be quite an introspective little soul. I constantly find myself looking at my current behaviour, situations, thoughts, dreams… pretty much everything really. I usually find myself asking for feedback and trying to understand myself and others better, almost to the point of annoying others ...

5 Emotional Games We Need To Stop Playing

5 Emotional Games We Need To Stop Playing
It’s fun when it’s with entertainment, but it’s not so fun when it’s with people… here are 5 emotional games we need to stop playing. If you’ve been on the Internet at all in the first few days of this year, you may have seen one of the number one trending hashtags and sets of posts ...

Who’s Going To Pay For Your Dream?

Who's Going To Pay For Your Dream?
So you want to change the world… but who’s going to pay for your dream? A practical look at making dreams a reality. One of my favourite things to ask someone is what their dream is. It seems like a simple question, but it often takes many people a long time to respond. Some respond by ...

My The Force Awakens Spoiler Review

My The Force Awakens Spoiler Review
The latest story in the Star Wars saga is here and smashing all the records in the book. Here’s my The Force Awakens spoiler review. And in case it wasn’t already obvious… spoilers spoilers spoilers. If you haven’t seen Episode 7, turn back now, Jedi. Also the comments will likely have spoilers in them, so… just don’t read this ...

6 Things I’m Grateful For In 2015

6 Things I'm Grateful For In 2015
It’s been a year of highs and lows. With the arrival of 2016, here are 6 things I’m grateful for in 2015. Wow. 2016 is here. That means the 20s are almost back (also known as the Twenty Twenties). You know, a lot of people at this time of year comment on how quickly the year has ...

13 Reasons I Prefer The Star Wars Prequels

13 Reasons I Prefer The Star Wars Prequels
With the whole world going nuts with the release of Episode 7, here are 13 reasons why I prefer the Star Wars prequels. I think I just broke the Internet. Star Wars Episode 7 is upon us, boys and girls. Every single company in the whole earth is going for a cash in. Everything everywhere is covered ...

When Your Heart Isn’t In It Anymore

When Your Heart Isn't In It Anymore
You started out optimistic and full of life, but now your heart isn’t in it anymore. What do you do when you feel exhausted by what you used to love? It’s been a fairly reflective season for most people lately. I guess December does that to you. I mean, it’s already the end of the year! ...

Hello From The Other Side

Hello From The Other Side
Adele’s new haunting melody is a hit, a meme, a Vine category, and is resonating something deep with listeners  – here’s a look at Hello… from the other side. I love weddings. I was MCing a wedding reception about a month ago where something absolutely beautiful happened – the bride shared a stunning rendition of Only Hope ...

The Friends Who Stay & The Friends Who Leave

The Friends Who Stay & The Friends Who Leave
There are people who seem to come and go in our life, but why? Here’s a look at the friends who stay and the friends who leave. It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? I was at a Christmas party last night where I met some people through some mutual friends, and they were like, “oh ...

How We’re Doing Social Media Wrong

How We're Doing Social Media Wrong
Getting the most Likes, Instagram models quitting social media, constantly comparing your life to someone else… I think we’re doing social media wrong. You’ve seen the headlines. Another queen of social media has come out labeling the entire platform as a sham. Extremely popular Sunshine Coast Insta-Model Essena O’Neill recently cancelled her popular account and started ...

The Top Ten Best Moments from The Office

The Top Ten Best Moments from The Office
From Megadesk, bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica, Jim & Pam, Andy, Dwight, and Michael – here are the top ten best moments from The Office. Oh yeah, and… spoilers. I was talking to a friend the other day about a rom com she was watching which turned out to be one of those super realistic looks at love. ...

9 Obscure Movies I Enjoyed

9 Obscure Movies I Enjoyed
Sometimes you just have to break a bit from popular opinion… here are 9 obscure movies I enjoyed. I’ve received a lot of feedback when I’ve written about some of the movies I’ve enjoyed. Movies are great because they often communicate very central messages to a very wide range of people. I find when I’m meeting ...

What Guarding Your Heart Really Means

What Guarding Your Heart Really Means
For from it flows all the issues of life… Here’s a look at what guarding your heart really means. One of the common approaches I’ve taken with a number of things I’ve written about is to think about some of the things that we say a lot, and explore what we really mean by that. After all, ...

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves

5 Lies We Tell Ourselves
Dishonesty can be super destructive, but it’s even worse when the one lying to me is the man in the mirror. Here are 5 lies we tell ourselves. One of my favourite bands is going to be here in Brisbane in the next few weeks – TFK. Absolutely love those guys. Usually when I’m giving people a ...

12 Life Defining Leadership Lessons

12 Life Defining Leadership Lessons
We all want to make a difference in people’s lives, but how do you truly influence and help others? Here are 12 of the most life defining leadership lessons in my life. So, you want to change the world. You know in your heart that some way, some how, you want to make a difference in ...

6 Mixed Messages In Disney Movies

6 Mixed Messages In Disney Movies
Ah Disney, how could you lie to us about so many things? Here are 6 mixed messages in Disney movies. Have you ever gotten mixed messages from someone before? When I’m in work meetings and someone will be presenting something crucial, they’ll often ask, “are you paying attention?”. It’s always the person who’s been on their phone the ...

I Wish I Wasn’t Afraid

I Wish I Wasn't Afraid
You know what I wish sometimes? I wish I wasn’t afraid. Fear holds us back from so much in life. This year has been a pretty amazing year for me. There’ve been so many big changes happen, and it’s a far cry from last year. It’s been a similar year for so many other people in ...

My 10 Favourite Games of All Time… More or Less

My 10 Favourite Games of All Time... More or Less
And now for something very near and dear to my heart – here are 10 of my favourite games of all time… give or take a few. I have a confession to make. A big one. Are you ready? I hope your opinion of me doesn’t change, but… I am actually a massive nerd. Actually, most ...

7 Reasons Why Atheism Makes No Sense To Me

7 Reasons Why Atheism Makes No Sense To Me
Religion is often dismissed as illogical and fairytale, but I find myself feeling that way about the secular alternative. Here are 7 reasons why atheism makes no sense to me. And no, you’re not going to find Pascal’s Gambit here. There seems to be a stigma that you can’t be a person of faith without having a little ...

What I’m Too Busy Really Means

What I'm Too Busy Really Means
They say busy is the new black, but are people as busy as they’re letting on? Here’s what I’m Too Busy really means.   We’ve all been there. You’re putting together an event, or trying to catch up with someone you haven’t seen in a while, or trying to make an appointment with the family, and just ...

The Motherhood Dream

The Motherhood Dream
“I want to be a mum” – the cry of many a woman’s heart. But how are we approaching the motherhood dream in the 21st century? I often find myself writing about fathers. Being a guy, I guess I sort of gravitate towards that side of parenthood. The restoration, preservation and equipping of fathers is something ...

4 Reasons We’re Afraid of Getting Close

4 Reasons We're Afraid of Getting Close
Even though we desire friendship and love, the truth is often we’re actually afraid of getting close. Are we lonely because we’re doing it to ourselves? Loneliness is one of the mot prevalent issues in our world today. No matter what suburb, city, country, culture, religion or creed you’re from, all of us know what it is at times to ...

Burnt Out At Church

Burnt Out At Church
Pastor, leader, volunteer or even attendee – there seems to be an epidemic of people getting burnt out at church. I think one of the great tragedies of church life is that so many people have been hurt in the church. The thing is, you don’t expect to be. Church is meant to be this wonderful place ...

The Men Who Stay and The Men Who Leave

The Men Who Stay and The Men Who Leave
There are the men who stay, and there are the men who leave. What can be done when he walks away? Recently, the dating site Ashley Madison was the victim of a major hack where the sensitive data of all its users was leaked all over the Internet. People have been questioning whether or not the hack ...

6 Pros and Cons of “If It’s Meant To Be”

6 Pros and Cons of "If It's Meant To Be"
“If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen”. Really? Here are 6 pros and cons of this idea. Since I started this blog, even before that really, I’ve had a number of people approach me to write on different topics. Some people have asked me to write about finding purpose in your corporate job, or about my ...

Have I Made It Yet?

Have I Made It Yet?
Spending my 20s hitting all the big milestones… apparently. Have I made it yet?   It’s been a little while, huh? Apologies for the lack of posts recently. If you’ve been following a few of my last posts or have spoken to me lately, you’ll know over the last 4 months or so i have been trying to ...

4 Ways We’re Screwing Up Sex In The West

4 Ways We're Screwing Up Sex In The West
We say we’re progressive… but are we really progressing? Here are 4 ways I think we’re screwing up sex in the West. Sex is awesome. It’s the reason you clicked on this link. For most people, sexuality forms a massive part of our lives. But the way we’re approaching it isn’t always awesome. Just a warning if it ...

7 Things People Always Blame

7 Things People Always Blame
It’s my upbringing, or my personality, or the government, or that girl, or… here are 7 things people always blame. In Australia, we pride ourselves on being what we call Aussie battlers. There’s always something we’re struggling against. I’m always telling foreigners who come to visit our country that almost everything can kill you. When they ...

7 Challenges When Everybody Else Is In A Relationship

7 Challenges When Everybody Else Is In A Relationship
Making friends with the new beau, seeing people less, Valentine’s Day… here are 7 challenges when everybody else is in a relationship. Quite a while ago I wrote about my adventures as a third wheel. Some friends had observed that a majority of my friends were spoken for while I had been single and/or seemingly inactive. ...

8 Pros and Cons of Waiting To Be Chosen

8 Pros and Cons of Waiting To Be Chosen
Is waiting to be chosen the right approach to take in life? Here are 8 pros and cons. Recently I’ve been thinking a lot more about the decision making process. I’ve been trying to buy a house lately, and it’s absolutely full on. I had some basic ideas on what’s involved, but I had no idea ...

Facing Mental Health Issues

Facing Mental Health Issues
Anxiety, depression, dark thoughts and paralyzing emotions – it can be very difficult facing mental health issues. Mental health has been one of the largest areas of medical research in recent years, and rightly so. There seems to be an ever increasing amount of us who either have had some sort of mental health issue at some point, ...

Analyzing Demi Lovato’s Heart Attack

Analyzing Demi Lovato's Heart Attack
“Puttin’ my defences up, cause I don’t wanna fall in love. If I ever did that…” – here’s a look at Demi Lovato’s Heart Attack. I’m a big fan of a number of YouTube cover artists. I’ve enjoyed a lot of the covers done by The Piano Guys, Ahmir, and Alex Goot. Anthem Lights and Boyce ...

Choosing Between Two Good Options

Choosing Between Two Good Options
When you’re faced with equally good decisions, which path do you take? It can be pretty hard choosing between two good options… or more. I’ve recently been in a very exciting season of life. Not gonna lie – it’s been quite stressful, a little bit tense, a little bit uneasy, and a little unsettling. But the step ...

5 Reasons I Love Pastors and Christian Leaders

5 Reasons I Love Pastors and Christian Leaders
Some of the most undervalued people in our world, but a group very close to my heart – here are 5 reasons I love pastors and Christian leaders. I am quite actively involved in my local church. I get a lot of comments about it, usually from different people who see me serving in a lot of ...

7 Qualities of Great Friends

7 Qualities of Great Friends
No matter whether your life is going good or bad, the right people can make it all worthwhile. Here are 7 qualities of great friends.   A few weeks ago I had something that brought up a lot of memories from a difficult time last year. It was quite confronting remembering some of those harder moments. The ...

Does Being In A Relationship Change You?

Does Being In A Relationship Change You?
The accusation of many a friend – does being in a relationship change you? Few expressions annoy people more than the two words, “you’ve changed”. If you ever want to tick someone off and get them riled up in finding out what you mean, just even hint to them the fact that they aren’t who they ...

6 Pros and Cons of Being Independent

6 Pros and Cons of Being Independent
We fight for our right to do it on our own, but is it always a good thing? Here are 6 pros and cons of being independent.   One of the great rites of passage that isn’t always as defined as a rite is the acquisition of our independence. You’re all grown up now, you can be ...

8 Songs That Really Spoke To Me

8 Songs That Really Spoke To Me
Ever have a song describe exactly how you’re feeling? Here are 8 songs that really spoke to me. Everyone loves music. There’s something about someone singing it instead of saying it that all of a sudden gives a sentence so much more meaning. Music can take you on a journey or transport you to somewhere else. It can ...

5 Awkward Conversations with the Opposite Sex

5 Awkward Conversations with the Opposite Sex
  Don’t know what to say? Don’t know how to say it? Here are five awkward conversations with the opposite sex… …that probably shouldn’t be. Over the last few weeks I got to catch up with a few friends I don’t always get to see. I try my best to stay in touch with most of the people in ...

Who Are You Sleeping With?

Who Are You Sleeping With?
The bedroom is one of the most private and intimate places in our lives. Who are you sharing it with? Who are you sleeping with tonight? Few places in the house are as private as the bedroom. Sure, some people have special places on their couch or a secret cupboard they like to spend time in, ...

Can Guys Be Too Nice?

Can Guys Be Too Nice?
Here’s a touchy topic for a lot of men – can guys be too nice? Is it true that nice guys finish last? There are several terms that men don’t like to be described as being. One of them is the word “cute”. You know what I’m talking about. When a woman says a guy is ...

6 Not-So-Funny Contradictions In Life

6 Not-So-Funny Contradictions In Life
Don’t you hate it when someone acts like a hypocrite? Whether it’s them, you, or me, these are 6 not-so-funny contradictions in life. No one likes a hypocrite. If I asked you if you know any hypocrites, chances are you could list a bunch off right now. Usually we target those in politics or in the public eye who ...

5 Things That Don’t Actually Keep People Together

5 Things That Don't Actually Keep People Together
These things promise so much for our relationships, but offer so little in the long run. Here are some things that don’t actually keep people together.   The early stages of love are often so difficult to traverse. It’s the question of going from stranger to lover. Sometimes, you have already been friends for a period of time ...

7 Movies That Made Me Cry

7 Movies That Made Me Cry
Bring the tissues and forget the man cards… here are 7 movies that made me cry. Don’t judge me… well, okay, maybe judge me a little. I’ve been writing a bit on the topic of movies lately. I dunno what it is, must just be a phase where I’m seeing more movies or thinking of more movies. Or ...

7 Popular Movie Cliches About Love

7 Popular Movie Cliches About Love
The films we love have a whole lot to say on the topic of romance. Here are 7 popular movie cliches about love.   You’ve probably noticed that a lot of movies have a lot in common. After a little while, you start to pick up the formula. Sometimes I wonder if I couldn’t put together a movie myself. ...

What “I’m Waiting” Really Means

What "I'm Waiting" Really Means
We have a billion reasons why we can’t be or aren’t where we want to be. The main answer? “I’m waiting”. But have we given any thought to what “I’m waiting” really means?   Little known fact about this site is that the most popular blog posts I’ve written aren’t always the most commented, liked, or even shared ones. ...

When You’re Tired Of Always Being The Strong One

When You're Tired Of Always Being The Strong One
Always investing into others… but who is looking out for you? There are some things you need to hear when you’re tired of always being the strong one for everyone else. It’s amazing how giving some people can be. I was blown away recently thinking about a few of the older men I know at my church who ...

4 Ways You’re Probably Taking Yourself For Granted

4 Ways You're Probably Taking Yourself For Granted
The person who appreciates you the least may actually be the person reading this right now. You’re probably taking yourself for granted. Everyone wants to be appreciated. It’s a need that all of us have. Sometimes people are made to feel bad for their need to feel needed. I don’t think that’s something we need to ...

Husbands, Love Your Wives

Husbands, Love Your Wives
Men talk a lot about needing to feel respected, but how about we talk about what they’re supposed to do? Husbands, love your wives… It seems that as guys, we talk a lot about what we expect from our relationships. Some men talk about wanting to be feared in their home. I dunno if “feared” is the ...

6 Surprisingly Profound The Lion King Moments

6 Surprisingly Profound The Lion King Moments
Everyone loves a good Disney movie, but it’s surprising just how profound The Lion King really is all these years later. You may never look at Simba’s adventures the same ever again. I recently caught with a friend I hadn’t seen in ages. We both had some great food and some great chats. We were both in very ...

9 Movies I Like But No One Else Does

9 Movies I Like But No One Else Does
And now for something completely different… here are 9 movies I like but no one else does! When it comes to the topic of movies, everyone has their favourites. John and Stasi Eldredge in their book, Love and War, say that the movie scenes we remember the most are probably some of the most intimate details of our ...

The Trend of Sexual Violence In Cinema

The Trend of Sexual Violence In Cinema
Bigger shock factors, “mature” topics, darker themes… but there’s something just not right about the trend of sexual violence in cinema. Mature written content warning. The first Hunger Games movie for me was a bit of an interesting concept. The centre of The Hunger Games is about a world which has had all war between nations replaced by ...

Why Christian Guys Date Outside Their Church

Why Christian Guys Date Outside Their Church
One week he’s sitting by himself, the next he’s next to someone you don’t know. Here’s why Christian guys date outside their church.   I recently wrote about Why Christian Girls Date Non-Christian Guys. I wrote it in response to a number of my female friends bringing up the feelings they’ve felt about trying to find a Nice ...

6 Things Only Misunderstood People Would Understand

6 Things Only Misunderstood People Would Understand
There are some things that only misunderstood people would understand.   The need to be understood is one of the deepest needs we have. It’s not just a matter of being able to find and become the person you’re supposed to be – it’s trying to do it in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling forgotten ...

Why Christian Girls Date Non-Christian Guys

Why Christian Girls Date Non-Christian Guys
It seems like more and more church-going ladies are looking outside their faith for romance. Here are some real reasons Christian girls date non-Christian guys.   The search for love is different for everyone. For some, it’s a relatively quick and easy process to find the man or woman you’d love to spend the rest of your life ...

The Truth Behind 50 Shades of Grey

The Truth Behind 50 Shades of Grey
One of the best selling books of recent memory is coming to a screen near you. Here’s the truth behind 50 Shades of Grey. Over the last little while I’ve been to the movies quite a few times. Of course, I had to see Part 3 of The Hobbit on Boxing Day, which was a fitting ...

Why You Still Have No Idea What You’re Doing

Why You Still Have No Idea What You're Doing
Still have no idea what you’re doing with life? You’re not alone. And maybe it’s time to look at why…   …but only if you really want to know. It’s amazing how things change as you get older. People move overseas, get married, have kids, change careers, start buying houses, start new fitness programs, start their own businesses, have ...

I Wish There Were More Female Role Models

I Wish There Were More Female Role Models
To be honest, I wish there were more female role models. And it’s not the younger generation I’m most concerned for… Amanda Bynes. I grew up watching her in such Nickelodeon classics as All That and The Amanda Show (Manda Manda Manda Manda Manda, Shooooooow). She was a paragon of her kind, a great example of a ...

The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away
Call it unrequited love, loving and losing, missed opportunity or timing that never worked out – what do you do with the one that got away? Love can be an amazing thing. I’ve recently had a flurry of friends either start dating, get married, celebrate anniversaries, or get engaged. It’s a happy time, full of new ...

5 Things Divorce Has Taught Us About Marriage

5 Things Divorce Has Taught Us About Marriage
Is there “A One” or “The One”? When are you ready? Better or worse? Divorce has taught us a lot about marriage. I would venture to bet that there are very few people who aspire to get divorced at some point in their lives. I don’t think many people wake up one day and think, “Hey, ...

2014 – The Year I Didn’t Think I’d Survive

2014 - The Year I Didn't Think I'd Survive
This year was a year I didn’t think I’d survive… and Christmas is as good a time as any to be honest about it. Not that I haven’t been honest about it before now, but at the end of the year and looking into 2015, it’s definitely a story worth sharing. Believe it or not, the time has ...

7 Good and Bad Things About Tinder

7 Good and Bad Things About Tinder
Swiping left or right, having the ideal profile pic, trying to pick between your options – here are 7 good and bad things about Tinder and dating online. It seems like more and more people are finding love online. Traditionally, boy meets girl would take place at a mutual friend’s party, at the bar, at a church ...

7 Reasons You’re Unhappy in Your 20s and 30s

7 Reasons You're Unhappy in Your 20s and 30s
Not enjoying life as much as you wish you were? Here are 7 reasons you’re unhappy in your 20s and 30s. I was thinking the other day how amazingly different it would be growing up as a child in our current generation. Back in my younger years, we were shown this amazing facility known as a “library”, ...

One Guy’s Reaction to The Hunger Games Love Triangle

One Guy's Reaction to The Hunger Games Love Triangle
Katniss Everdeen – strong, confident… and caught between two options. What’s up with the Hunger Games Love Triangle? I have a confession to make – the first Hunger Games movie didn’t grab me straight up like it did everyone else. Fans of the book were thrilled to see one of their favourite series getting the trilogy ...

When You Feel Like A Dirty Backslider

When You Feel Like A Dirty Backslider
Been missing church? Feeling far away? Made a mistake and feeling judged by others? What do you do when you feel like a dirty backslider? Shame is one of the most powerful human experiences. It’s that very distinct feeling of ugliness when you’ve either done something you believe to be wrong, or someone else makes you ...

3 Ways Your Corporate Job Can Change The World

3 Ways Your Corporate Job Can Change The World
Feel like you can’t make a difference while stuck working in an office? Think again. Your corporate job could change the world. When you think of world changing professions that make a difference in people’s lives, there’s usually a pretty standard set of images that come to mind. We think of those who faithfully serve in ...

7 Reasons You Hate Being Single

7 Reasons You Hate Being Single
Not in a relationship and hating it? Can’t stand all the pressure and hate everyone talking about it? Here are some reasons why many people hate being single.   Over the past weekend, I got to be a Master of Ceremonies at another one of my friends’ wedding receptions. It was an absolutely beautiful day – the bride looked ...

6 Overlooked Qualities In a Person You Should Date

6 Overlooked Qualities In a Person You Should Date
There are so many lists out there about the right qualities in a person you should date. But I think there are some being overlooked… I love seeing some of the articles that get shared around by the people I know. In the past you would have to rely purely on sites like StumbleUpon and what the ...

8 More Ideas on How to Make Close Friends

8 More Ideas on How to Make Close Friends
Many of us are surrounded by people every day, and yet still feeling lonely and longing for someone we can really talk to. Here are some ideas on how to make close friends. The older I get, the more people I meet, whether they be in business, friend-of-a-friend, storesperson or otherwise, the more I am starting to realize ...

Where Exactly Does Attraction Come From

Where Exactly Does Attraction Come From
Attracted to someone you shouldn’t be? Not attracted to someone you wish you were? Anywhere in between? Where exactly does attraction come from? The laws of attraction remain one of the biggest mysteries of relationships. What is it exactly that draws two people together? What is it that pushes them apart? Why can one be so ...

Why We Can’t Commit

Why We Can't Commit
Whether it’s him, her, them, they, or even you – here’s why we can’t commit. Warning: This may contain some things you don’t want to hear. The song that gets the biggest reaction at a party or a wedding is hands down Single Ladies by Beyonce. You know what I’m talking about. All of a sudden, ladies ...

7 Ways to Encourage and Inspire Others

7 Ways to Encourage and Inspire Others
Ever wished you could encourage others the way others have encouraged you? Here are 7 ways to be a better encourager.   I’ve worked with teenagers for a number of years, primarily through an Australian organization known as Scripture Union. Over the years I have been involved in running a number of camps for teenagers where they ...

10 Reasons Why You Ain’t Got No Time For That

10 Reasons Why You Ain't Got No Time For That
Not enough hours in the day? Here are 10 reasons why you seem to have no time. So many of us struggle to find the time in the day to do all the things we’d like to do. Got to work, do the housework, look after the kids, and all the other myriad of things that ...

The Root Issue of Human Trafficking

The Root Issue of Human Trafficking
Modern slavery and sex trafficking are major issues in our society today, but I feel that we’re not talking about the root issue of human trafficking. Warning: The following written content is intended for mature audiences. Sex trafficking is a massive issue in our world today. Thanks to movies like Taken and the great work of some ...

6 Reasons We Absolutely LoveHate The Bachelor

6 Reasons We Absolutely LoveHate The Bachelor
Blake, Sam, and a slew of other hopeful ladies hoping for a chance of winning his heart. Here are 6 reasons we absolutely love and hate The Bachelor. Another season of The Bachelor has come and gone on Australian TV. Whether or not you’ve been watching it, it’s been almost impossible to not know what’s been ...

Desperate in Dating

Desperate in Dating
A lot of us go to great lengths to ensure that in our relationships, we don’t appear too desperate. But what exactly does that mean?   I’ve been in a number of conversations recently where the topic of expressing interest has come up. A lot of them have come up due to the rising number of relationships ...

When You’ve Had a Bad Church Experience

When You've Had a Bad Church Experience
It’s hard when you’re hoping for answers, but end up getting hurt or disappointed. There are some things you can do when you’ve had a bad church experience. I’ve made a few hospital visits this year to see some of my friends and their family members after surgery or a health scare. They’re actually really great places ...

7 Underrated Qualities in a Man

7 Underrated Qualities in a Man
There are some things as guys we sometimes don’t value enough. Here are 7 underrated qualities in a man. I recently wrote the post 7 Underrated Attractive Qualities in a Woman, and it went somewhat viral pretty fast. It was written to celebrate some of the qualities in our girls that sometimes don’t get the air ...

5 Ways To Handle Loss and Disappointment

5 Ways To Handle Loss and Disappointment
All of us at different points encounter loss and disappointment in our lives, no matter how big or how small. Here are 5 ways to move forward. Despite our cultural, spatial, religious, or physical differences, we are all united together in the human experience. We all know what it’s like to laugh and to have a good ...

7 Underrated Attractive Qualities in a Woman

7 Underrated Attractive Qualities in a Woman
When it comes to attractive qualities in women, every list can be different. Here are 7 underrated qualities that a lot of men really value. Attraction can be a seemingly complex topic. Just what is it exactly what makes someone attractive? Why do certain people find certain things attractive, while other people don’t? How important is ...

8 Things That Hinder Love In Our Lives

8 Things That Hinder Love In Our Lives
Love is amazing, but it’s not always that easy. Here are 8 things that can hinder the love in our lives. Keeping with the theme of Spring, let’s start by saying that love is quite literally the best thing ever. It’s amazing to think that as powerful as faith is, and as foundational to human existence ...

Women and Submission – What Exactly Does It Mean

Women and Submission - What Exactly Does It Mean
When it comes to the topic of women and submission in marriage, few things bring up more angst and uncertainty. Just what exactly does submission mean? When I think of the word “submission”, a few things come to mind. I think of when I have an assignment, a project proposal or a new software version due ...

Who You’re Supposed To Be

Who You're Supposed To Be
Between the expectations of others and the expectations you place on yourself, just who exactly are you supposed to be? It’s amazing that even as a grown man or woman, you’d think you’d be more settled in life by now. I mean, you’ve spent 12-14 years in schooling, probably taken or undertaking some form of tertiary ...

The Loneliness of Leadership

The Loneliness of Leadership
How can you be surrounded by people, and yet feel so alone? This one goes out to anyone who has faced the loneliness of leadership. There are a number of oxymorons in our world. A friend pointed out to me last night when I mentioned I wanted to write this post that oxymoron itself is an ...

How To Speak To Men

How To Speak To Men
Husband, love interest, father, brother, son, or friend – here are some thoughts on how to speak to men. The most searched blog post on my site is a post I did quite a while ago called Why He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet. Every time I see the search terms, I feel kind of sad ...

Why We’re Always Tired

Why We're Always Tired
Feel like you’re always running just above empty? You wouldn’t be the only one. Here’s why we’re always tired. Well, maybe a few potential reasons why anyway. I love asking people about their weekends. I think it says so much about a person the way they spend the time they aren’t at work (unless they work on ...

Confessions of an Average Guy

Confessions of an Average Guy
There are things that we keep to ourselves and don’t always say out loud. Here are some of my confessions of an average guy. I think all of us to love to explore our issues through the lives of other people. Look at reality TV and talk shows. Two books I really enjoy are Confessions of ...

Are Women Too Emotional

Are Women Too Emotional
Some guys would say that women can be too needy, high maintenance, or overbearing. Is it really true that women are too emotional? One of my favourite things to do is explore some of those longstanding and heavily repeated statements about men and women. For instance, is it true that men are only ever after one thing? ...

How To Have a Good Conversation

How To Have a Good Conversation
Awkward tension, long pauses, and nothing to talk about? Here’s how to have a good conversation with just about anybody. The IT, engineering and science disciplines cop it a lot when it comes to being the subject of comedy. The majority of the laughs in these shows pertain to the social ineptitude of the leading characters. ...

6 Things That Could Ruin Your Future

6 Things That Could Ruin Your Future
We all have promises and dreams inside of us that we’d like to see come to life in our lives. Here are 6 things that could ruin your future. I love the naive optimism of kids. It can be painfully cute sometimes to watch how blissfully ignorant they are to the woes of the world. The 5 ...

Why We Can’t Get Motivated

Why We Can't Get Motivated
Study, work, career, health and fitness, family and friends – we all have things we want to do well at. Here is the reason why we just can’t get motivated. A lot of us struggle in the area of being motivated and disciplined. All of us have things that we know that we should be doing. ...

7 Reasons Why Marriage Is Awesome

7 Reasons Why Marriage Is Awesome
Marriage often gets a bad wrap, and it’s definitely not all cakes and rainbows. Here are 7 reasons why marriage is actually awesome. I’ve written various times before about the lowering number of people tying the knot. In fact, if you Google “The Decline of Marriage”, you will find many related articles from numerous countries, such ...

Top 10 Challenges of Growing Up In Church

Top 10 Challenges of Growing Up In Church
Sunday School was cool, youth taught you the truth, but now you have a new set of difficulties to face. Here are 10 challenges I faced growing up in church. If there was one group of people who cop a lot in life, it would be the children of people who grow up in ministry. Whether it ...

6 Pros and Cons of Playing Hard to Get

6 Pros and Cons of Playing Hard to Get
We’ve all seen the classic strategy of playing hard to get in action. Here are some pros and cons of the approach. Thanks to Vine videos, Facebook is seeing a lot more video ads coming through. One of the ads that caught my attention recently was a video entitled “How To Get The Girl”. The video ...

How To Make The Most Of Your Money

How To Make The Most Of Your Money
All of us are looking how to grow and enjoy our wealth. Here is the secret to how to make the most of your money. I recently attending an investors conference with a few friends. It was mainly tailored towards property investing, but also talked a bit about negotiating the share market. As the old adage ...

What “I’m Not Ready For A Relationship” Really Means

What "I'm Not Ready For A Relationship" Really Means
Sometimes our words don’t tell the full story. What is really happening when we say or hear “I’m not ready for a relationship”? There are some classically enduring lines we use when it comes to relationship. “It’s not you, it’s me” comes to mind as one of the top sentences we use or we hear. It’s usually ...

In Pursuit of Orgasm

In Pursuit of Orgasm
Western culture frames the humble orgasm as one of the most important experiences anyone can pursue. Is it really so important? What is the most important thing in your life? The word orgasm has only really worked itself into mainstream media in the last 25 years (probably mainly initiated by the above movie). It used to be ...

7 More Differences Between Dating a BoyGirl Vs. Dating a ManWoman

7 More Differences Between Dating a BoyGirl Vs. Dating a ManWoman
We all know there are differences between dating a boy vs. dating a man, and between dating a girl vs. dating a woman. But what other differences come with maturity? One of the latest topics going viral is the difference between dating a boy vs. dating a man and its female equivalent. Usually the people reposting ...

Praying About Big Decisions

Praying About Big Decisions
When facing big decisions, it can be difficult trying to hear and recognize God’s voice. How do you know if God is speaking to you? If you’re a frequent visitor to the site, you would know I’m a big fan of writing about relationships. Marriage in particular is something I love to explore, and I like to think about ...

7 Reasons Why Single People are Still Single

7 Reasons Why Single People are Still Single
Okay, so we’ve seen the lists about things single people are tired of hearing. But let’s actually have a real look at the reasons why they’re still single.   One of the most interesting things about those articles like 24 Things Single People Are Tired Of Hearing to me isn’t necessarily the content of the articles. Sure, as a ...

8 Observations From A Third Wheel

8 Observations From A Third Wheel
If you’re single, you’re dealing with all your friends getting dates and getting married. If you’re in a relationship, you’re dealing with your single friends who are still single. Here are 8 observations from the perspective of a Third Wheel. At the end of last year I had a friend ask me a question at a ...

Standards of Beauty

Standards of Beauty
It seems unfair to make people compete with society’s standards of beauty. But men and women alike know what it’s like to face this pressure.   Most people will recognize the above picture from social media and news sites across the world over the last week and a bit. He is Jeremy Meeks, arrested for possession of ...

5 Reasons Why We Don’t Open Up

5 Reasons Why We Don't Open Up
Sometimes opening yourself up to others can be the hardest thing you can do. Here are 5 reasons why we find it so hard and don’t open up. I recently posted an article entitled 7 Ways To Make Better Friends. I’m used to some of my relationship-related articles getting a few more hits, like The Source and Impact ...

7 Ways to Make Better Friends

7 Ways to Make Better Friends
A lot of us feel like we don’t have anyone to talk to or any really close friends. Here are 7 ways to make some better ones. . We live in a catch-22 of a society around our interconnectivity. Through technology like Facebook, Skype, Google+, MySpace (if you still have it), WhatsApp, Foursquare and even the humble SMS, ...

6 Pros and Cons of the Ideal Partner List

6 Pros and Cons of the Ideal Partner List
When it comes to choosing a dating or marriage partner, everyone’s got their own list. Here are the pros and cons of “The List” approach. Back before the internet was so mainstream, there were these things called “magazines”. Basically what a magazine was was a collection of website articles printed out on paper. Yeah ok, so ...

The Magic of Disney’s Frozen – A Shoreline Review

The Magic of Disney's Frozen - A Shoreline Review
Everyone fell in love with Olaf and can’t stop singing that soundtrack – why is it that Disney’s Frozen is such a memorable and powerful movie? I love me a good Disney flick. And a good musical. I’m quite partial to Tangled, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Emperor’s New Groove, Beauty and the Beast, and many ...

Why Women Don’t Understand

Why Women Don't Understand
Let’s face it – women aren’t the only ones who can act confusing sometimes. And of course, all the men reading this are thinking, “Hey, men are easy to understand. It’s women who are the complicated ones”. But if you ask any of the females reading this, you may find yourself being disagreed with. I never like to ...

Why Men Don’t Understand

Why Men Don't Understand
You hope for him to show some tenderness, compassion and comfort, but it’s just not clicking. Why don’t men seem to get it? Well, we sure have had a look at some big topics in the last few weeks. Ranging from our Silent Pain, to The Source and Impact of Sexual Fantasy, through to The Pressures ...

The Pressures of Dating

The Pressures of Dating
Is there too much pressure on dating?   You’ve talked about it for months. You’ve gone through the scenarios in your head. You’ve gotten the advice of others. But now it’s finally time… You’re Facebook official. And all the world goes nuts. You know what I’m talking about. You have to turn off the Notifications setting on your phone because ...

The Source and Impact of Sexual Fantasy

The Source and Impact of Sexual Fantasy
Male or female, young or old – what is the source and impact of sexual fantasy in your life? If you saw my last post, you’ll know I have recently been in Japan for a number of weeks. I really enjoyed the journey and seeing all the amazing scenery across Honshu and Hokkaido. I also loved all the ...

Silent Pain

Silent Pain
What is the pain that you keep to yourself? Did ya miss me? It’s been a little while, huh! That’s because I’ve been on holiday in Japan for the last 3 weeks, seeing pretty much all the sights. I went to 10 of the cities thanks to my JR Pass – Osaka, Kyoto, Nagoya, Tokyo, Sapporo, ...

The Fear of Failure

The Fear of Failure
Why are we so afraid to fail? Here are some musings on our fear of failure. One of the things that all of us have in common is that we don’t want to get to the end of our lives with any regrets. If such a person does exist, please make yourself known, but I’ve never ...

An Open Letter to Tired Christian Leaders

An Open Letter to Tired Christian Leaders
Dear Christian Leader, The office of Christian leadership is one of incredible reward and incredible responsibility. It is a privilege to be able to serve one’s fellow man in ministry and all its various forms, but it is also at times a great burden to carry. And in the office of ministry, so many are burning out. The ...

4 Reasons Why We Don’t Like Growing Up

4 Reasons Why We Don't Like Growing Up
Immaturity in dating, nostalgia overload, the pursuit of everlasting youth, Peter Pan Syndrome, childish tendencies – why do we find growing up so hard? Whenever people ask what I do, I usually do a little routine. “I’m a programmer and a consultant, I get paid to be a nerd”, which is a pretty accurate description of ...

The Truth Behind Selfies, No Make-Up and Beauty

The Truth Behind Selfies, No Make-Up and Beauty
Is there something deeper behind selfies and a lack of make-up? What are we really saying about beauty here? You probably would’ve seen that there is a pretty cool awareness campaign going on at the moment on different social media sites. The main gist of it is women taking photos of themselves without any make-up on ...

The Divorce Epidemic

The Divorce Epidemic
Divorce is a terrible thing that most of us have been exposed to at one point or another. How do you negotiate through the pain of being associated with a divorce, and how do you avoid it in your own life? We seem to be getting better and better at monitoring statistics and having a general ...

The Man Drought and Defining Eligibility

The Man Drought and Defining Eligibility
    It seems that there is a struggle to find the right man that gets harder and harder as people get older. The Man Drought is a phenomena which has been discussed at length over the last 10-20 years. It is commonly taken to be the perception that there are less eligible men than there are eligible ...

6 Things You Should Know If You’re Losing Hope

6 Things You Should Know If You're Losing Hope
If you find yourself losing hope, there are some things you should know. Hope is such an invaluable commodity. When Barack Obama was first running for president, his campaign centred around the idea of hope. When a natural disaster occurs, it is communicated to all those who have suffered not to lose hope. When children are ...

What Men Really Want

What Men Really Want
We all know that there is only one thing men are after. But maybe the definition of what men really want isn’t as obvious as the first thing that comes to mind. Adolescence is a pretty interesting time for people. It’s the age of discovery, the age where lots of new feelings and sensations occur in ...

Does God Really Care

Does God Really Care
Does God really care? Epicurus, one of the founding fathers of modern atheism, is quite famous for coming up with a logical statement about the existence of God. Known as the Epicurean Paradox, it is still largely used today as a strong argument in the debate of the existence of the Christian God: Is God willing to ...

Attack of the Friend Zone

Attack of the Friend Zone
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s the Friend Zone! So you’ve been hanging out for a while. You’re getting to know her. You’re spending time with him. Things are going pretty great. And you’re starting to wonder, hey, maybe there’s a bit more to this. And then it happens “We’re just friends” Or for some in a ...

7 Ways To Stop Being Indecisive

7 Ways To Stop Being Indecisive
How do you stop being indecisive? It’s always difficult organizing a big group to go to a restaurant. Everyone has ideas on where they want to go, where they want to sit, who they want to sit next to. It can be a chore and a half just getting everyone in the same room, let alone ...

Alone With Your Thoughts

What’s life like for you when you’re by yourself? How do you fare in those times when you’re feeling lonely or you’re facing your biggest dreams? We live in a very busy world. The rat race sure is a race, with lots of people getting left behind in the process, and sometimes those who are in ...

Why He Hasn’t Asked You Out Yet

Why He Hasn't Asked You Out Yet
So… why hasn’t he asked you out yet? Who’s he? I’m not sure. It’ll either be that guy who you instantly thought of when you read that sentence, or maybe it’s just that you’d like someone to ask you out at all. Another Valentine’s Day has come and gone. A day of romance. What that means for ...

The Allure of Bad Boys and The Loss of Innocence

The Allure of Bad Boys and The Loss of Innocence
He’s charming, he’s mysterious, he’s a bad boy, and he’s alluring. Yet the effect of this man can be felt for years to come. What is it that’s so attractive about the bad boy persona, and how do you progress after he’s been and gone? This past Sunday night I went out to see a movie ...

The Anatomy Of A Chick Flick

This post was originally posted to Facebook on July 14, 2013 Ah, the immortal chick flick. The bane of many a man’s existence, and usually the default choice for many dates at the movies or girls’ nights. What is it about these movies that makes them sell so well, cause them to be replayed so much, ...

What I Wish Women Knew About Men

This post was originally posted to Facebook on August 20, 2013 There are some things I wish women knew about men. You know when you see a group of people going through things, dealing with big questions, wishing someone would just reach out and say something? This is that. I dunno, I guess there’s something about men that a ...

Feeling Far Away

This post was originally posted to Facebook on August 2, 2013 What do you do when God feels so far away? Everyone goes through different seasons in their lives. One of the main ways we kind of gauge our seasons is through our feelings. Lots of changes, every day a new experience, a feeling of uncertainty – ...

Great Sexpectations

This post was originally posted to Facebook on September 29, 2013 What are your sexual expectations, and where do they come from? Since the 70s, sex moved from a more quiet aspect of human relationships into the spotlight of modern society. We called it our sexual liberation. It wasn’t just an activity that husband and wife executed ...

Happy With Me

This post was originally posted to Facebook on December 8, 2013 Have you ever felt like you’re not good enough? We all have people in our lives who live on the extremes. If they’ve got a problem in some area, it’s usually an extreme of the problem. If they’re awkward when they’re in public, they’re really awkward ...

Walking the Shoreline

Welcome to Walking the Shoreline! I have been writing some of my thoughts on various issues as I’ve been going through life over the last few years on my Bebo, MySpace, Facebook and so on, and thought it was high time to start doing this in a more public forum. I’m just a guy like ...

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