Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
OK Boomer, But Let’s Talk About Your Generation’s Mistakes
I’ve gotta say it – I cringe at the utter hypocrisy when an older generation criticize a younger one. Let’s talk about your generation’s mistakes. Which generation am I talking about? Well, all of them, but let’s get there. I...
My Top 10 Favourite Games List Imploded… Now It’s 24
Revisiting a list I put together a decade ago seemed like fun until my top 10 favourite games list imploded. Here’s my 24(ish) favourite games. Hard to believe but it’s been 10 years since I originally did my My 10...
Rediscovering Love in the Shadows of Christmas
Everyone carries at least a small level of heartbreak around the holidays, but all of us can be rediscovering love in the shadows of Christmas. Christmas is such a polarising time for so many people. Its public representation features optimal...
Who Do You Want To Be Now? – 2024 In Review
I made some of my biggest life decisions this year, but every decision had one question in common – who do you want to be now? I’m choosing my future and the man I want to be. Here’s my 2024...
Do You Hate Social Media Because You Can’t Celebrate Others?
Is it the technology or is it the person using it? Here’s why I think people who hate social media expose a lack of ability in celebrating others. I know, I know. Sounds harsh. Sounds rough. Sounds hyperbole. But hear...
Sex, Breakups and Childlessness: Normalising Challenging Topics
When it comes to talking about sex, breakups and childlessness, awkwardness or pain often reign. Here’s a look at how we can normalise these. I’ve always liked “going there” with people. Talking about, reading about or opening up in-person or...

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