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5 Attitudes That Keep People Single And Relationships Short

5 Attitudes That Keep People Single And Relationships Short

It’s hard to find or keep someone when you have reasons why you wouldn’t. Here are 5 attitudes that keep people single and relationships short. I was out with a few different groups of mainly men and then mainly women...
You Can’t Be A Man Who Avoids Women Or A Woman Who Avoids Men

You Can’t Be A Man Who Avoids Women Or A Woman Who Avoids Men

Some days I feel like I’m still in primary school, when I see the boys and girls are still so separate. But you can’t be a man who avoids women or a woman who avoids men and expect to have...
You and I Know A Lot Of Great People

You and I Know A Lot Of Great People

You and I know a lot of great people. And we can help empower them to become who they were born to be. The other night we were out at a social event at one of Brisbane’s big evening markets...
Most People Stop Making Friends As They Get Older

Most People Stop Making Friends As They Get Older

It ruins dating prospects, it kills marriages and families, and destroys mental health – most people stop making friends as they get older. But they really shouldn’t. Defining the problem I have been in a lot of conversations with people...
7 Great Shows For Toddlers That I’m Grateful For As A Parent

7 Great Shows For Toddlers That I’m Grateful For As A Parent

It’s an amazing time to be a parent, but with so much content it can be hard to find the good ones. Here are 7 great shows for toddlers that I’m grateful for. It’s a whole new age of entertainment...
Is It Harder To Date As A Christian?

Is It Harder To Date As A Christian?

Is the faith factor playing against your love life? Let’s have a look at whether or not it is harder to date as a Christian. Dating can be really, really easy for some people. They meet someone, a week later...

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