Welcome to Walking The Shoreline – a blog about love, faith, relationships, and all the bigger issues of life. Come join the journey
Is It Harder To Date As A Christian?
Is the faith factor playing against your love life? Let’s have a look at whether or not it is harder to date as a Christian. Dating can be really, really easy for some people. They meet someone, a week later...
What The War In Ukraine Teaches Me About Humanity
War is terrible, and unfortunately a great revealer. Here are 5 things the war in Ukraine teaches me about humanity. Like most of us, February 24 2022 rolled around and I found myself checking my phone every few minutes of...
Elden Ring is Brilliantly Awful (Or Is It Awfully Brilliant?)
Elden Ring is brilliantly awful. It’s the best worst game, and the worst best game, I’ve ever played. Here’s my spoiler free review of the biggest game of the year. Like many people, I saw all the ads for Elden...
To The Man Who Wants To Be The Head of the House
Are your words demanding something that your life isn’t? To the man who wants to be the head of the house… I’m always fascinated by common patterns and trends in human relationships. Maybe underneath my IT, technology focused veneer and...
The Stupidest Thing I Did During the Pandemic (Reading Too Much Media)
I’ve done some stupid things, but this is one of the stupidest. Like many people, I found myself consuming and reading too much media. The COVID pandemic has been one of the generation defining events of our time (although the...
Who Are We Letting Teach Us About Sex?
It could be porn, movies, ancient books, activists or specific people – who are we letting teach us about sex? Mature written content warning. Share on Facebook Tweet Subscribe Save...

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